Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Testosterone Sunday

Here's the deal guys: Besides the Superbowl, there's ONE SUNDAY out of the year when it's finally ALL ABOUT THE MEN.  That Sunday is called FATHER'S DAY.  Or a Lifehouse, we prefer to call it...


What does that mean for the men?

1.) Sport your favorite team apparel.  Hats, jerseys- you name it.

2.) Come hungry.  Cafe is preparing breakfast fit for a MAN.

3.) Be ready to compete.  We'll be having 3 contests to test the fella's STRENGTH OF BODY, STRENGTH OF APPETITE, and STRENGTH OF CHARACTER.  Winners will choose from gift cards to places like Dicks Sporting Goods, Home Depot or Best Buy.

4. ) Come with your family.  This is the best time show the kids what it means to be a man.

Testosterone Sunday...you're gonna wanna be there.

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