Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day Tribute

Great Song and Video in honor of my Dad and all great, God-fearing dads out there:

I've been very blessed to have amazing men in my life who taught me, model godly values to me, and show me hard work, sacrifice, and how to live a life fully surrendered to God.

BUT NONE have blessed me as much as my own father. I am who I am because of him. This is my personal tribute to Pa (as we grew up calling my dad).

There is no one I know who is more selfless and hardworking. He willing did without so that we could eat, have warm clothes, and enjoy the little things in life. He did it all without one word of complaint. He went without the warmest coat in winter even though he'd work out in the cold, so we could have coats. He traveled a ridiculously long commute- either from Oregon to NY then from the suburbs to NYC- to make sure he was putting food on the table for us 4 boys.

There are moments growing up with my Dad that are priceless and left an indelible impression on my life:

  • watching my Dad pray- whether he privately withdrew to pray at home or knelt at the altar at church, I know my Dad loved and loves God. He fears God more than man and cares more about what God thinks than what anyone else thinks. He has always been willing to express his love for God through humility and worship. He isn't the loudest or most visible in expression, but certainly the most consistent. There has never been any doubt that my dad is completely sold-out to God.
  • I can only remember about 3 times when my dad yelled when I was growing up, and one of them was at me. I was in the formative 15-16 year-old stage, when boys think they're men. I had ignored him several times, and he finally yelled at me, picked me up off the ground and let me know he was still much stronger than I was. Then, he teared up and apologized. I felt horrible. I had so exasperated my dad that I had driven him to tears, and yet when he was completely justified in thrashing me soundly, he gently let me know that he was sorry for his rough treatment but expressed his disappointment at my disobedience. Oh, that I would someday be that kind of father.
  • my dad is faithful, as faithful as anyone I know. When he gives his word he'll keep it no matter what. He's been faithful in marriage to my mom for nearly 42 years. He has been a faithful employee, friend, father, and Christ-follower. That's a pretty good track record!
And the results? Of his 4 sons- none of us are star athletes, multi-millionaires, or in political office. BUT each of us without exception is a faithful husband, loving father (my parents have 11 grandkids), hardworking, and deeply committed to following Jesus and serving His Church. My dad may be the richest man I know. That's legacy!

I admire, love, respect, and look up to my father. May I, and the fathers I influence, grow to be something like my dad. I know that he would say he's imperfect, but he's truly following Jesus, and that's the best example anyone man can ask for.

What do you admire about your father? What moments with your father changed you?

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