Saturday, March 28, 2009

Pride VS Humility

When something big happens in my life and/or ministry, nearly everytime there is a well meaning person that will give me a compliment followed by, "just don't let it go to your head, 'cause I don't want you to get prideful". 

Now, I'm aware enough that the "pride of life" is a core temptation and struggle for all, and part of our sin nature. However, I thought I'd share briefly why I don't personalize Lifehouse "success" or anything else "big" that happens with my life.

Six and half years ago, at the lowest point in my ministry life, I felt like a failure and wanted out of ministry all together. I was leading a prayer time in my home, when I felt God speak to my heart,

"Patrick, do you believe I (God) can do something great with your life?"

It was the word "great" that scared me, and my response was, "Honestly God, NO, I don't." 

Immediately, God stirred my heart with these words, "You are not doubting your abilities, but Mine (God's)." Ouch! I got the point and responded, 

"Far be it from me to question Your power or plan. God, if you desire to little or much with me, small or great, I will obey and be Your servant."

So, when small or great things happen through my life for God's Kingdom, I remember nearly immediately and everytime a moment in life, when I genuinely had no self-esteem or confidence, and fully realize that I am walking in God-esteem. I know that God can do whatever He wants through whoever He wants whenever He wants. I continue to desire to be fully obedient to God regardless of whether His plans for my life are "small" or "great". 

Regarding "greatness", I'm also aware that God doesn't measure it as we do. God said the last would be first, servant would be master, and least would be greatest. So, who am I to judge what parts of my ministry life are truly "great" and which only look great through a worldly perspective. My desire is to only desire to be "great" in God's eyes.

When others see my life, may their response be, "ONLY GOD!" That's the only comment I care to hear.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


There are seed moments in God's design. These are moments when God plants a dream, idea, prayer, passion, and/ or destiny. Initially, it feels vague, impossible, and "pie-in-the-sky", and often we have to just trust God and keep praying. 

Through obedience and faithfulness, God will cause the seed to germenate into a growing plant that eventually breaks the surface of the earth. And as the young plant grows and develops, it becomes a strong and mature plant that produces much fruit.

God's desire for our lives is that we would THRIVE! Read John 15:8.

Watch the seed moment for Lifehouse Church east revealed. This is an amazing story of God's faithfulness to bring the seed to fruit-bearing tree through our faithfulness and obedience. Thank God for the giants of our faith who have prayed our dreams into existence.

What seeds are in you that God desires to grow to fruitfulness? Are you being obedient and faithful?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Our end-game

Why do we pray? worship? gather as the Church? do outreach? invite friends and share Jesus with our community?

Recently, in our weekly staff prayer meeting, we began with a time of singing and worship. Since I have a lot to pray about and request of God, I wanted to challenge our team to pray boldly and really seek God on behalf of Lifehouse East. However, as we were singing, this passage came to mind,

Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. Ecclesiastes 12:13

I was reminded, "Prayer is not a means to an end. Prayer is the end (or the whole) of man. Worship isn't a means to an end. It's the end game." 

We're not trying to manipulate God through worship or convince him to do something through prayer. We do everything else as a church to bring more people into a place where they can experience an intimate and loving relationship with God through prayer and worship.

We're not praying to reach more people as the end game. We are reaching more people for God, so that all people will turn and worship God!

Worship and prayer- that's our end game!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Falling Forward

I read a book a while ago titled Falling Forward, by John Maxwell. The premise is that failures are a chance to grow, and he gives lessons on how to learn from mistakes, and a challenge to never make the same mistake twice.

For me, the title has been more helpful than any content.

God allows "falling forward" moments, because we need to learn hard lessons. And if you are anything like me, you didn't learn when Dad told you not to do something. You had to get banged up to learn the lesson. As we mature, we should need less of these moments, and learn more from gentle rebuke, reading the Bible, or the prompting of the Holy Spirit. I wish! 

I had a recent scrape-my-knees-into-the-dirt learning moment that was uncomfortable and hard to hear. But one thing I know about falling forward: BE VERY TEACHABLE! Learn the lesson quick so that you don't have to fall again.

These falling moments teach us much:
  • that we're human and failable. We're still inclined to mess up, sin, or say the wrong thing.
  • that we must always be dependent on God and never become to confident in ourselves.
  • that everyone, regardless of age, stature, or position, still needs a swift kick in the pants every once and a while.
  • that you'll fall backward if you're not heading in the right direction!
What gentle proding from God are you ignoring, that will eventually lead to a "falling forward" moment?

What have you learned from falling forward?

Humbly sumbitted with gratitude to Pastor Terry!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Active Waiting

Lifehouse Family of Friends, 

To continue keeping you updated, here’s the latest at Lifehouse Church East: In prayer and fasting, I feel strongly called to continue WAITING. Not lazy waiting, but active waiting. 

What does it mean to ACTIVELY WAIT? I keep coming back to Joshua:

“Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their forefathers to give them. 7 Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. 8 Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful."

Continue in prayer and fasting before God. For some Lifehousers, this idea is new and scary to be challenged to spend time daily in prayer and seeking God for His purpose to prevail for Lifehouse East. Great things from God happen when we don’t give up in prayer.

Worship God before we see the results of our prayer, not to manipulate Him to do something, but in celebration of what He will do.

Invite Friends. Don’t forget this Sunday is “Get Out” Friend Day, so invite everyone you can to join us and be part of what God is doing at Lifehouse East!

“Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you."

Prepare ourselves. “Consecrate” means to “make holy or pure” for God’s use. Let's get ourselves spiritually ready so that God can use us however He chooses. That's why we did the THRIVE campaign, to grow/ thrive spiritually and in lives that please God,

Prepare by planning ahead: we want to lay out the dream/ vision that God has put in our heart for Lifehouse. While we don’t feel like now is the right time to move forward to make it happen, we need to be diligent to get ready for when God does lead us to move. So here are our next steps to prepare and get ready (this requires all Lifehousers involvement):

  • Cast Vision- I will begin regularly communicating where God is leading us, and we are planning to host a Lifehouse Ministry Summit in May to share the entire dream to THRIVE. Between now and May, we will have time to put a viable and well-thought out business, financial, building plan in place,
  • Develop a Plan- we are beginning to work on a business plan for the future of Lifehouse. How we could launch business within a Lifehouse-owned building to cover all costs of the building and use additional income from those businesses to help the community, local churches, and to plant new churches,
  • Due Diligence- We've already meet with contractors, inspectors, CPA, business planners, and have spoken to investors and lenders. We've researched this building, got proposals and plans in place, reviewed blueprints, etc. I think we've done more work and investigation than anyone else who will bid on this property- in less than a week.
  • Build a THRIVE Fund- we need to start giving/ saving money for this dream. We will set up a fund within our books to save for this dream, and invite ALL Lifehousers to give generously toward our future. First, we must payoff our $14,000 outstanding loan with Susquehanna Bank, then begin setting aside gifts to this THRIVE Fund. We believe that as we give and save for the plans God has put in our heart, God will provide and we will be ready when God leads us to take the next step. I would like to stay debt free as we move forward, unless God leads otherwise. (write THRIVE FUND in the memo of your check- give as God leads you).
  • Keep Focused on Eternity- even as we build this THRIVE Fund, we need to keep our focus on eternity and building God’s Kingdom, so we will give 10% of all gifts to that Fund to community needs, other churches, and church planting. We are NOT about buildings but about God’s Kingdom. We want to be generous to God so He will continue to entrust us with much. (see Matthew 25:14-30)
  • Trust God and Don’t Panic. Waiting may be one of the hardest things for us to do, because we aren’t in control. We must trust God and not worry when troubling or discouraging things happen around us. I know that there will be moments in the future that will test our faith and resolve, but Lifehouse is part of God’s Church and He’s in charge and will protect and provide for us. So, don’t listen to negativity and keep your faith in Jesus. Read all of Psalm 112, but here’s the part the speaks to me:

Such people will not be overcome by evil. Those who are righteous will be long remembered. They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust the Lord to care for them. They are confident and fearless and can face their foes triumphantly. They share freely and give generously to those in need. Their good deeds will be remembered forever. They will have influence and honor.

Have great faith! Stay the course! Believe that God will do great things for the future of Lifehouse Church East!

Fired up,
-Pastor Patrick

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Why are there SO many details in Leviticus and Numbers?

Got to be honest, reading Leviticus and Numbers is NOT very exciting. Matter of fact, I almost encouraged Rebecca to skip it and get to the "good stuff". But she actually keeps asking questions and is learning a lot, although sometimes she'll ask a question and I'll think, "what is she reading? I can't let her read stuff like that!" For example, she recently asked me, "Daddy, what is sexual relations?"  Yea, I almost took her Bible away!

While reading through these lists of rules, rituals, methods of sacrifice and various offerings, and never-ending lists of names and details of the Jewish national census, I think I have an idea of why it's all in there. Now, this is not official, and there are amazing lessons and typology mixed into these books, so I'm not discounting them, but this ONE lesson really jumped out to me:

God cares and knows about all the details!

Reading all the minutia of detailed plans for the temple, geneologies, etc, I've become aware that God cares and is involved in the details of His Church and our lives. How amazing! I have a tendency to still think that God cares about the "Big" picture of my life but isn't actively involved in the "minor" details. But reading Leviticus and Numbers, I'm learning just how much God cares about and is actively involved in the "minorest" of details in my life. 

God cares and knows about my need for a day off, insurance policies, technology malfunctions, stress, business plans, building codes, financials, emotional issues, family concerns, investment options... Our life is full of a ton of details, but God knows and cares about each one. Our role is to listen and seek guidance in prayer and from the Bible, then trust God and live out the details. 

Make God-led decisions, and trust that God is leading our steps in each detail. 
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Pr 3:5-6 

In what details do you need to invite God into your life?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Lifehouse Update- Part 2

Lifehouse family of friends,

I want to continue to keep you informed on the status of the building and how God is leading us.

If you didn’t read my previous update, you can do so at here. I wrote yesterday that I/we are praying to gain direction from God as to how to proceed regarding the auction of the theaters where we currently meet.

Here’s what we are doing now?

We are pursuing a “due diligence” investigation on the possibility of bidding on the building:

  • Meeting with general contractors, building inspectors, business planner, lending institution- to determine viability of purchasing and using the building for business/ church use. We are not fearful or anxious about this situation, just doing our homework.
  • Please do not begin to speculate on whether we will or will not purchase the building, since we are not moving in the direction right now, only investigating the possibility.
  • We would need a God- miracle to purchase the theaters since we don’t have cash or financing secured to purchase the building.
  • Based on our current financials, we are not in a position to afford the mortgage on this building, and I don’t want our finances getting bogged down in trying to make a mortgage payment rather than focusing on ministry. I was clear yesterday that if we bought the building, we would have to have a business plan in place to show that the businesses would cover the cost of the building so that it wouldn’t be a burden to Lifehouse East.
  • I believe that we are responsible to do everything we can that is possible, and then ask God and wait for God to do the impossible.

 In prayer, I believe the direction to go is to WAIT!

  • As I wrote yesterday, I want to lead and plow ahead, especially because I know that you are looking for clear direction.
  • However, I know that God wants us to wait on Him, and not get ahead of where He is leading us. Joshua 3 makes it clear that God’s presence must lead, and we must be alert to follow Him. I will continue to fast and pray until God leads us.
  • Waiting on God is our direction for today. I know “the Lord will do amazing things among” us (Joshua 3:5). And He wants ALL the glory and credit for doing them.
  • My/ our role is to pray and wait on God. We will not move or do anything until we see God clearly moving, then we will follow.
  • I believe that God will move ahead of us to lead us to great “breakthrough”. Exodus 14 says that the Israelites were terrified because they were cornered between the imposing army of Egypt and the Red Sea, but Moses spoke on behalf of God and said, “Don’t be afraid! Stand still and you will see the Lord save you today. You will never see these Egyptians again after today. 14 You only need to remain calm; the Lord will fight for you.”
  • God has a way of “cornering” us into “impossible” situations so that our only hope and source is God, and so that when we does “amazing things among us” everyone knows that it was ONLY GOD.
  • Our role is to WAIT and pray! Please pray and wait on God. He will come through for us and our faith in God will grow and our impact in this community will significantly increase. We will THRIVE.

 Thank you for your prayers and for coming together as a church like never before! Thanks for all the encouraging emails I’ve received, and I want you to know how proud I am to pastor such an amazing community of Jesus-followers.

 Fired up,

-Pastor Patrick

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Lifehouse Update

Dear Lifehouse Family of Friends,

I would rather speak to you in person, but I feel strongly that I need to communicate what’s in my heart and to offer you insight into our current situation at Lifehouse during this week. Please take a few minutes and read this entire email so that you can be fully informed and can pray appropriately. I know it’s the length of an novel, but I’m putting my heart and passion into this email.

First, let me tell you what’s going on since many of you may not aware:
  • Hagerstown Cinemas (where we meet) is going up for auction on 3/17 (next Tues),
  • We haven’t been concerned about this auction, since the Cinema company has a 10 year lease on the building and we are under their lease,
  • We understood that whoever bought the property would be legally obligated to honor that lease agreement,
  • However, this past Sunday morning, we learned that the lease agreement between the owner and Diamond Cinemas has become voided,
  • While we could challenge this with Diamond, it would not keep us in the building and would only tie us up in court.
What are our options?
  • Hope that whoever purchases the building would honor our lease and continue to lease us the building,
  • Bid at the auction (starting bid of $995,000) to purchase the building, buy it and begin using it as a church and for other business purposes,
  • Move into another building,
  • We do not have money in savings for a deposit and we are not currently in a position to borrow a substantial amount of money (the bank would require that our income/ donations be well beyond our expenses, and they are not),
  • We have invested significantly into the theater with the understanding that we would be here for several years.
As the lead pastor of Lifehouse, it is my responsibility to lead the church wisely with direction from God and counsel from our pastors and advisors. I have been in prayer and fasting about this matter from Sunday evening. A church must NOT make business decisions about these matters, but must clearly follow the direction of God to fulfill His Cause for our church.

We don’t exist to own buildings and land, to make money or to pay salaries. The Church exists to share God’s love and the message of Salvation through Jesus with everyone in the world. That is our Cause! Lifehouse exists to reach this 4-state region with the relevant and powerful message of Jesus, and to show people God’s love through compassion and being an authentic community or “family of friends”.

God has led me clearly to plant and pastor Lifehouse, and I can honestly say that He has guided us supernaturally in each step we have taken.

It’s my responsibility to lead during this uncertain time and give direction to the leaders of our church. So, it’s strange to write you and tell you that I’m still waiting to know how to lead. Allow me to explain:

When God called me to start Lifehouse in Hagerstown, MD, He spoke clearly to me through Joshua 1,
I will give you every place where you set your foot… 5 No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.
6 “Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their forefathers to give them. 7 Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. 8 Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

I have held onto this passage and followed it closely, and now feel that Joshua 3 speaks to where we are at as a church. God spoke this to Joshua:
“When you see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, and the priests, who are Levites, carrying it, you are to move out from your positions and follow it. 4 Then you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before. But keep a distance of about a thousand yards between you and the ark; do not go near it.”
5 Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you.”

What does this mean for us?
  • The Ark represents the presence of God. And God said, make sure My presence goes before you, and keep your distance. The people had to stay back far enough so that God could lead and they wouldn’t get ahead of Him, because “they had never been this way before.”
  • We’ve never been this way before, and I’ve never led in this direction before,
  • Secondly, God wants to do amazing things among us, but He wants us to know that it was Him and not our planning or brilliant thinking that made the amazing things happen,
  • We must “consecrate” ourselves- that means “to be set apart for God’s use” OR “to be made holy". God wants us to pray, confess our sins, and keep our attitudes focused on Him,
  • I don’t lead the church, God does, and it’s my job to hear from Him, follow the Bible, and only lead in the direction that is right and biblical,
  • We’re not doing anything until I know God has clearly spoken and directed us,
  • We are praying, fasting, and diligently seeking God,
  • I (and our pastoral team) am bold enough to follow God by faith in whatever direction He leads, and I know that He will do miraculous things through Lifehouse (He does it every week)!
What do I know God is saying?
  • We will THRIVE in ’09. I know that God spoke that this year we would THRIVE, flourish, and possess the land. Isaiah 58:12 really caught my attention: “Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.” 
  • To THRIVE means we will reach many more people with the message of salvation, and many will make Lifehouse their home church,
  • It means we will have a great impact in our city through partnering with other churches and doing compassion ministries (helping people),
  • It means that we will thrive in resources- that God will bless us with abundance- to show that there is a distinction between those who obey God and those who don’t,
  • Therefore, we must fast and pray, and I must call our church to PRAY,
  • We won’t move until God speaks and gives us clear direction (read about what happened to Saul in 1 Samuel 13 when he got ahead of God),
  • God wants all the glory, credit, and fame for the great things He wants to do in and through Lifehouse,
  • We must pray and fast so that we are all aware that ONLY GOD did the amazing things that He will do at Lifehouse,
  • We must not become consumed with or distracted by buildings. Jesus-followers make up the building of the Church, not bricks and mortar. Physical buildings are only a tool for God to use so the Church can have a greater impact on a region and reach more people with His love and message, but the building must never BE the Church, only a place WHERE the Church meets.
  • I have a great plan and vision for how we could use the theaters (or a building) to do some amazing things: renovate so that the building would be more appeal, fit an even larger number of guests and new Jesus-followers; start businesses in the building to cover the cost of the facility so that the church isn’t burdened with it, i.e. a family-friendly theater, a day-care center, etc; use the profits from those businesses to do more outreach and service ministries to our community and PLANT new churches.
What are we going to do?
  • PRAY- I’m asking ALL Lifehouse to pray. Set aside special time to ask God for guidance and to speak to us as leaders. Pray for God’s blessing over Lifehouse and that we would have a powerful impact in our community/ region. Pray that NO ONE would become confused or fearful during this time, but that we all would have boldness, courage, and confidence- knowing that GOD IS FOR US!
  • FOCUS- keep our eyes on the goal of impacting our city and region with God’s love; keep inviting people to Lifehouse- especially since this week is FRIEND DAY; keep sharing and showing Jesus; keep on being a “family of friends” and never let our goal be about a building.
  • BE GENEROUS- I’m confident that if I asked you to give immediately toward the purchase of this building, that you would give sacrificially and generously. I want to call you to begin giving generously toward the Church- not a building, but the Church and our Cause. We will be good stewards to save and prepare for where God leads us. Exodus 35-36 is about God calling people to give to build His tabernacle (church), and this part stands out,
Moses said to the whole Israelite community, “This is what the LORD has commanded: 5 From what you have, take an offering for the LORD. Everyone who is willing is to bring to the LORD an offering… All the Israelite men and women who were willing brought to the LORD freewill offerings for all the work the LORD through Moses had commanded them to do… And the people continued to bring freewill offerings morning after morning. 4 So all the skilled craftsmen who were doing all the work on the sanctuary left their work 5 and said to Moses, “The people are bringing more than enough for doing the work the LORD commanded to be done.”
6 Then Moses gave an order and they sent this word throughout the camp: “No man or woman is to make anything else as an offering for the sanctuary.” And so the people were restrained from bringing more, 7 because what they already had was more than enough to do all the work.

  • Give whatever God lays on your heart, and be obedient to give what God speaks to you to give. Laura and I will be praying immediately about this as well. I know you want to know what you are giving sacrificially to- to God and where He will lead us. I believe this week is a time to call our church to give generously to God.
You all know that we, as Lifehouse, are not about money or getting you to give MORE, but I feel strongly to invite you to give whatever God puts on your heart to give.

Thank you for taking the time to read this “novel”, and please begin to PRAY, stay FOCUSED, and GIVE generously! I will write as soon as we know more or sense the clear leading of God. I am committed to fasting and praying until I am certain I have heard from God and can lead with His direction.

Fired up,
-Patrick Grach

Monday, March 09, 2009

Politics in the Church

I've heard many people complian that "there is too much politics in the church" (honestly, not from Lifehouse but throughout my years of ministry experience).

First, let me define what I think they mean by "politics":
  • leveraging position or power to get an agenda accomplished,
  • holding a hidden agenda but using "spiritual" terms to get it through,
  • leaders making decisions based on money or clout rather than hearing clearly from God.
As a leader, I think there are times when people in a church blame politics when things just don't happen "their way". On the other hand, I agree that there is too much politics happening in churches rather than God-anointed leaders leading. 

So, I'd like to point out how God deals with politics in His Church from 2 examples from Numbers 16-17:
  • Dathan, Korah, and Abiram didn't like Moses and Aaron's "controlling" leadership. They felt that God wasn't with them and that someone else should lead. So, God command Moses to invite them all to come the next day to worship God. But when they gathered, Moses announced that if God is with Him, then these men would be swallowed up by the earth. Moments later, the earth opened and consumed the men.
  • People saw this happen and grumbled against Moses and Aaron, saying that they had killed God's people and questioned their leadership again (not very bright). Moses challenged the people to have the leaders of their tribes bring their wooden staffs and lay them in the presence of God the next morning. Aaron laid his staff alongside the other leaders, and Moses said, "The staff belonging to the man I choose will sprout..." By the next day, Aaron's staff had started growing and sprouted leaves.
God doesn't tolerate "politics" and personal agendas among His chosen people. He leads and He wants His people to follow. 

I want to be a leader that obediently follows God's awesome plan and lives for His Cause. Let our church be surrendered to following God's design and guard against politics and hidden agendas. God will make His perfect plan very clear and we are responsible to obey.

Not a sermon, just a thought! 

Friday, March 06, 2009

For Display Only

How much of our spiritual life is "for display only"?

I found this Bible on a table at a church ministry center and thought it was odd:

If you can't read the bright green label on this Bible, it says, "For Display Only, DO NOT TAKE"

Wow! Couple thoughts:

1. Is that what our spiritual life is full of? It's just on display but doesn't impact the rest of my life. Are we putting it out for people to see, especially people who will respect our spiritual habits, but we don't let it impact our everyday, private life.

2. If you've got a Bible or Bibles with labels that say, "DO NOT TAKE!" Can I suggest that you forgot why you exist? Matter of fact, let's start putting labels on every Bible we own that say, "PLEASE TAKE, KEEP, and READ!" I want to give as many Bibles away as possible.