Thursday, June 09, 2011

Please PRAY

Too often we turn to prayer as a last resort, kinda the "Hail Mary Pass" in moments of crisis.

But prayer is our primary source of strength, help, hope, power, and protection. Prayer builds and maintains our relationship with God at a vibrant level. Prayer advances God's purposes and builds His Church.

I am specifically asking you to take time from now through Sunday to PRAY for LIFEHOUSE CHURCH meeting at Leitersburg Cinemas! We need your intercession and focus in deep, heartfelt, faith-filled prayer.

The enemy of the Church, Satan, has always devised strategies to destroy or at least limit the impact of the Church. We are in a moment where we can clearly see the strategies of the enemy at work to hinder and distract Lifehouse from our mission and the Cause of Christ. Our antidote? PRAYER.

How to pray?

Please pray for me, our pastoral leadership team, for our elders and staff- for encouragment, wisdom, peace, and that we are not distracted from the great Cause of sharing and showing God's love.

Pray for protection over the gathering of and unity of Lifehouse. We are presently facing some challenges that can certainly be both annoying and distracting. God will protect His Church and His people.

Pray for God's purposes to prevail. We know that Lifehouse's story is simply a part of God's story. May His plans (not our desires) and Cause be accomplished.

I'm reposting a note that I think passionately communicates how I feel in this moment. Listen to how a missionary in the jungles of New Guinea explained his situation in a letter to John Yates:

Man, it's great to be in the thick of the fight, to draw the old Devil's heaviest guns, to have him at you with depression and discouragement, slander, disease! He doesn't waste time. He hits good and hard when a fellow is hitting him.

You can always measure the effectiveness of your work, by how hard Satan hits back. When you're on your back with fever and at your last ounce of strength, when some of your converts backslide, when you learn that your most promising inquirers are only fooling, when your mail gets held up and some don't bother to answer your letters, is that the time to bail out?

"No Sir! That's the time to pull out the stops and shout 'Hallelujah'! Satan’s really getting it and he’s launching an all out attack. And all of heaven is watching and asking: 'Will he stick it out?'

And they see who is with us…and they see around us the unlimited reserves, the boundless resources, and they see the impossibility of failure with God on our side…how sad the angels must be when we run away from hard times. Glory to God! We're not going to run away. We're going to stand."

Listen to how Paul expresses all of this in 2 Corinthians 6:4-10.

Thank you for joining us in prayer!

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