Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Cardboard Testimonies: video footage from service at Lifehouse

Here's the video footage of an amazing service at Lifehouse that we wanted to share with you. It's broken into 8 parts so that we could get it onto, so enjoy, be challenged, share it, and invite God into YOUR story today!

Introduction and Part 1 of Sermon: Invite God into YOUR Story.

Part 2- Testimony 1- Hunter

Part 3- Testimony 2- Stephanie

Part 4- Testimony 3- Austin

Part 5- Cardboard Testimonies of many people at Lifehouse

Part 6- Part 2 of Sermon: Invite God into YOUR story

Part 7- Challenge to respond and invite God to set us free from chains that bind

Part 8- Response time

Hope you are inspired and challenged to invite God into YOUR story. I hope that by watching other brave individuals authentically share about their faith journey, you're willing to risk inviting God into your mess so that your life can become a message of hope through Jesus.