Monday, June 20, 2011

St Patrick Part 3- Living the best life possible

Check out the video trailer for the sermon:

Listen to the message here.

Too often, we see rules and laws as stealing the best in life- telling us what we can't eat and all the fun we can't have. AND in the Name of God...

The Bible seems a like a mountain of laws, rules, civil codes, from hygiene, food care, clothing, home care, medical practices, what foods to eat, not eat, sexual practice and morality. These seem so legalistic!

Jesus actually said the same thing about the religiously leaders who added to God's Law...

Read Matthew 23:25-28 (NIV)

Jesus was challenging these religious leaders that God's Law was not about religious observance but total moral renewal. The Law wasn't about appearances (what can be seen) but the heart.

The goal wasn’t to “cover up” rottenness OR to look religious, but something deeper.

God wants to clean deep parts of our lives. Then, why all the civil law and commands to be holy? How does this apply to my life TODAY?

Read Leviticus 11:43-44 (NIV). The word "consecrate" is to chose an ordinary thing, and set it apart for special purpose.

We are called to Be Set Apart

Read Deuteronomy 26:16, 19, (NIV). God's Law comes from His desire to set apart this nation as His special, chosen people to show all people what is best. His Law is from His love and relationships with Israel.

Be Set Apart for Your Well-Being

Read Deuteronomy 26:17-18, (NIV).

Law of God was for their best- to enjoy, embrace life NOT to prevent them from best. God gave the Law for their well-bring, to instruct them how to live healthy lives and have honorable relationships. This civil law prevented wide spread disease, outbreaks of plagues, sickness.

Observance of law made them different and distinguishable.

SO? God's Law is for OUR well-being. The Bible is not restricting us, but teaching us how to live for our own well-being. We think we know what’s best, but we must be willing to trust that God knows best, then obey Him by FAITH.

When we obey God's Law, we are noticeably different and distinguishable without the devastation and destruction that comes from sin.

Be Set Apart for Your Wholeness

Read Deuteronomy 26:16, (NIV).
The Law is about heart issues not appearance issues. Jesus corrected Pharisees since they missed point.
The Bible is not about behaviors- trying to make people look holy. BUT to lead people to wholeness in their BODY, SOUL, HEART- whole being.

However, the Law cannot make someone whole, anymore than a traffic sign can make someone drive safely. it can only exposes disobedience.

Therefore, the Bible is not about conformity but consecration.
Read Romans 7:19-8:3 (NIV). The Law isn’t bad. It actually is a reflection of God and His character.
BUT the Law does reveal that we cannot live up to it to experience the best wholeness God offers.

Jesus taught that wholeness doesn’t come from being perfect in the law (impossible), but by having a whole heart. Only God can make the heart whole- restore life and offer true wholeness.

Thus, faith in Jesus is an inner-work: see 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV).

When we give God full access and invite Him to clean up our insides rather than just change some of our behavior, an amazing transformation occurs. What we once were gives way to the new life that God intended for us to have. We are cleansed from the inside.

Not only are we cleansed but the inner wholeness begins to spring out of us, just like the filth and vile once did.

We can’t keep anything hidden- whether evil or good. It will come out. When we allow Jesus to transform our hidden shame, the new joy, life, and hope that begins exists will emerge.

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