Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Should the US President Golf on Memorial Day? A lesson in leadership

After laying a wreath at Arlington Cemetery, President Obama headed out to Ft. Belviore to play the 70th round of golf during his presidency (28-months).

Now, I try my best to avoid writing or speaking about partisan politics, but I feel the need to comment about LEADERSHIP. There is a profound leadership lesson in the decision of the POTUS to play golf on Memorial Day.

While nearly every other American citizen can take Memorial Day off to rest, relax, BBQ, go to the beach, and even golf, the President CANNOT! Neither can the Generals, Commanders, or any US military officer presently engaged in leading troops in the wars/ battles in Afghanistan, Iraq, or now, in Syria. Why?

1. Let me borrow a quote from Leadership by Rudy Giuliani, Weddings Optional, Funerals Mandatory! Leaders are less needed in good times and also least remembered. However, when people are hurting and at their time of greatest need, we will impact their life and make a friend for a lifetime.

  • The greatest strength you have is meeting the needs of others.
  • Their needs are less obvious at parties and during the good times, and magnified during crisis, loss, and hurt.
  • Make yourself most available during times of great need.
2. Leaders Lead By Example! In other words, they model the behavior they want repeated by those most sacrificially following them.
  • President Obama has the least rapport with and support from those in the military according to a recent poll. Why? He's not leading by example. He's critical of their sacrifice and war efforts, and is golfing while their offering their lives in sacrificial service to our nation and their families are home desperately waiting for their return.
  • Leaders live in a fishbowl- if you don't like it, don't lead. When a person runs for president, they understand that they will be scrutinized and every detail of their life will be criticized and debated. If you can't handle the heat, get out. That's the life of a leader and the price of influence.
  • Leaders have a responsibility to be in private what they appear to be in public. Those who follow hate hypocrisy and dishonestly.
  • Leaders can only lead where they are willing to go. Duh! Think about it, it's not words but actions! Leaders, who call for great sacrifice must be willing to offer great sacrifice. The President is the Commander-in-Chief of the US Armed Forces. To ask brave men and women to offer their lives in sacrificial service, and then be unwilling to skip golfing on Memorial Day- this does NOT pass the sniff test. If our soldiers followed his example, there would have been a lot of duffing out of sand traps all over the Middle East.
This is not intended to be critical of our President but a lesson in leadership- one I learned the hard way. I will always be cautious to lead by example and never undermine through my personal life the sacrifice I call others to offer.

How much more passionate, committed, and sacrificial should ministry leaders be for the greatest Cause in all of history- the Cause of Christ! Souls are at stake. Eternity hangs in the balance. What wouldn't we be willing to give or sacrifice?


cnsmcinturf said...

Well said. A great reminder for leaders in the church. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

cnsmcinturf said...

Well said! A great reminder for church leaders. Thanks for sharing.