Monday, October 23, 2006

Notes from the Weekend- Part 2

I woke up Sunday still tired from Saturday (but a good tired, the one you get when you worked hard and accomplished lots), plus I had this blaring bruise on my head. How? Well, I stayed on that inflatable joust game one match too long. The drummer from Slapdash smacked me in the head, not with the cushioned part that everyone is supposed to use, but with the hard, handle part. So, I have this Gorbechev-esque mark across my forehead. No problem- my wife's got touch up, and only one person noticed on Sunday (and that wasn't until after we brought up all the lights when tearing down our equipment).

On to more interesting topics: Sunday was a blast. I am always reminded of how much fun it is to be a part of and lead The LifeHouse. I love that we can have fun, laugh, eat, and actually enjoy being around each other. For those of you that missed my message, I had a lot of fun with it. I'm still on a series called RUSH HOUR: spiritual guidance at the speed of life.

I spoke from John 4 about Roadblocks in Rush Hour, on the topic of Communication. Yea, we can all improve in that area. Matter of fact, I even shared how Laura and I struggle in our communication at home, then played a secretly record tape of one of our miscommunication moments (are you crazy? No, way- it was actually a recording of two people arguing in SPANISH!) Ha, lots of fun!

Anyway... if you missed it. Here's the point: Jesus UNDERSTOOD rather than BEING understood. Jesus met the woman where she was at, both physically and emotionally. He LISTENED rather than preached. He spoke to her HEART not her head, and He DEFLATED her defenses. Now, if we could just apply these principles into our life everyday, wouldn't our work, home, school, and church environments dramatically change?

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