Thursday, October 26, 2006


I lead a Life Developments life group on Wed. evenings for 2 hrs. I love it; I feel energized during and after the session. Thanks to all who are a part of it. Hopefully, you're reading this!

I was talking yesterday about "doctrine." Wow! Now that is exciting and compelling stuff. And I began with a key point that I can't emphasis enough:

The Doctrine of the Bible is Truth in Motion.

It's practical, applicable. And if it's not, then it's not real, authentic biblically doctrine, it's just dogma or religious expectations. What we teach as doctrine, those in the Bible lived. When was the last time we truly lived our creed. Is it enough just to profess Jesus as Lord or cognitively affirm the reality of our sin nature. Our does our belief some how transcend the mental and impact the daily affairs of our life?

Can you take very fundamental belief of the church (or your own personal faith) and explain how it effects your lifestyle? If not, then is it really a fundamental belief or just religious dogma or simply a mental accent?

Let me give you an example, then I'll wait for your comments: I believe in the One True God. That's doctrine straight from the Bible. But I also live it. I pray to One God. I don't stress about various gods warring against each other. I don't worry about whether one will get jealous of my praise toward another one. Our God is One. I believe that God is the Creator and Sustainer of all that is, and it's biblical. I am, therefore, confident that the One who created everything is stronger than and greater than His own creation. Therefore, I have no reason to fear or be intimidated by His creation. I realize that my God is strong enough to provide for and protect me. He keeps me going- therefore, I have purpose, and He sustains me so that I can fulfill His great plan for my life. I also believe that God is good, and it's biblical. If God wasn't good, than I have reason to be cynical and fearful. But, if He's good, than in the midst of pain and struggle, I still trust that He has a great plan for me. I have hope that through my despair God is crafting His good work and is still showing mercy in my life.

Now that's experiencing your beliefs. What about you?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow- what a post! Maybe we should be reading your blog and forget about my fraile attempts at blogging:).

It's so true though. Our life is our doctrine. The Hebrews (Old Testament Jews) did not distinguish between knowledge and behavior. If you knew something, it had to show in your behavior. If you didn't live it, then you didn't really learn it! Maybe we should redefine doctrine and knowledge in general to reflect that sentiment.