Saturday, January 03, 2009

Heaven Rules

I was listening to a podcast from Andy Stanley, and thought it was worth mentioning. He was teaching about leadership, and challenged the audience with these thoughts:
  • leadership is stewardship- it is given by God and must be accounted for how it was used
  • leadership is temporary- those in authority and leadership will one day no longer be
He told the story of King Nebuchadnezzar's dream (Daniel 4) and Daniel's interpretation. The point of the dream was to reveal to the king that God was in charge, and that God was showing the king that He was the true King.

His dream was a foretelling of the kings future humiliation so that he would "come to know that Heaven rules."

I love that. May we all never forget that heaven rules. In another translation, it says "...never forget that God rules."

The best leaders in authority are those who are under authority. They understand that their leadership was given to them by God and that God rules.

May we never forget our place and how put us in that place. If He can put us in leadership, He can also remove us.

How do you keep your leadership in perspective?

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