Thursday, March 12, 2009

Why are there SO many details in Leviticus and Numbers?

Got to be honest, reading Leviticus and Numbers is NOT very exciting. Matter of fact, I almost encouraged Rebecca to skip it and get to the "good stuff". But she actually keeps asking questions and is learning a lot, although sometimes she'll ask a question and I'll think, "what is she reading? I can't let her read stuff like that!" For example, she recently asked me, "Daddy, what is sexual relations?"  Yea, I almost took her Bible away!

While reading through these lists of rules, rituals, methods of sacrifice and various offerings, and never-ending lists of names and details of the Jewish national census, I think I have an idea of why it's all in there. Now, this is not official, and there are amazing lessons and typology mixed into these books, so I'm not discounting them, but this ONE lesson really jumped out to me:

God cares and knows about all the details!

Reading all the minutia of detailed plans for the temple, geneologies, etc, I've become aware that God cares and is involved in the details of His Church and our lives. How amazing! I have a tendency to still think that God cares about the "Big" picture of my life but isn't actively involved in the "minor" details. But reading Leviticus and Numbers, I'm learning just how much God cares about and is actively involved in the "minorest" of details in my life. 

God cares and knows about my need for a day off, insurance policies, technology malfunctions, stress, business plans, building codes, financials, emotional issues, family concerns, investment options... Our life is full of a ton of details, but God knows and cares about each one. Our role is to listen and seek guidance in prayer and from the Bible, then trust God and live out the details. 

Make God-led decisions, and trust that God is leading our steps in each detail. 
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Pr 3:5-6 

In what details do you need to invite God into your life?

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