Monday, March 09, 2009

Politics in the Church

I've heard many people complian that "there is too much politics in the church" (honestly, not from Lifehouse but throughout my years of ministry experience).

First, let me define what I think they mean by "politics":
  • leveraging position or power to get an agenda accomplished,
  • holding a hidden agenda but using "spiritual" terms to get it through,
  • leaders making decisions based on money or clout rather than hearing clearly from God.
As a leader, I think there are times when people in a church blame politics when things just don't happen "their way". On the other hand, I agree that there is too much politics happening in churches rather than God-anointed leaders leading. 

So, I'd like to point out how God deals with politics in His Church from 2 examples from Numbers 16-17:
  • Dathan, Korah, and Abiram didn't like Moses and Aaron's "controlling" leadership. They felt that God wasn't with them and that someone else should lead. So, God command Moses to invite them all to come the next day to worship God. But when they gathered, Moses announced that if God is with Him, then these men would be swallowed up by the earth. Moments later, the earth opened and consumed the men.
  • People saw this happen and grumbled against Moses and Aaron, saying that they had killed God's people and questioned their leadership again (not very bright). Moses challenged the people to have the leaders of their tribes bring their wooden staffs and lay them in the presence of God the next morning. Aaron laid his staff alongside the other leaders, and Moses said, "The staff belonging to the man I choose will sprout..." By the next day, Aaron's staff had started growing and sprouted leaves.
God doesn't tolerate "politics" and personal agendas among His chosen people. He leads and He wants His people to follow. 

I want to be a leader that obediently follows God's awesome plan and lives for His Cause. Let our church be surrendered to following God's design and guard against politics and hidden agendas. God will make His perfect plan very clear and we are responsible to obey.

Not a sermon, just a thought! 

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