Saturday, March 14, 2009

Falling Forward

I read a book a while ago titled Falling Forward, by John Maxwell. The premise is that failures are a chance to grow, and he gives lessons on how to learn from mistakes, and a challenge to never make the same mistake twice.

For me, the title has been more helpful than any content.

God allows "falling forward" moments, because we need to learn hard lessons. And if you are anything like me, you didn't learn when Dad told you not to do something. You had to get banged up to learn the lesson. As we mature, we should need less of these moments, and learn more from gentle rebuke, reading the Bible, or the prompting of the Holy Spirit. I wish! 

I had a recent scrape-my-knees-into-the-dirt learning moment that was uncomfortable and hard to hear. But one thing I know about falling forward: BE VERY TEACHABLE! Learn the lesson quick so that you don't have to fall again.

These falling moments teach us much:
  • that we're human and failable. We're still inclined to mess up, sin, or say the wrong thing.
  • that we must always be dependent on God and never become to confident in ourselves.
  • that everyone, regardless of age, stature, or position, still needs a swift kick in the pants every once and a while.
  • that you'll fall backward if you're not heading in the right direction!
What gentle proding from God are you ignoring, that will eventually lead to a "falling forward" moment?

What have you learned from falling forward?

Humbly sumbitted with gratitude to Pastor Terry!


Anonymous said...

Ouch. Great post! A swift kick in the pants "every once in a while?" What does it mean, then, if you get kicked in the pants on a routine basis??


Unknown said...

it's called "growing up".