Friday, July 25, 2008

Hard Questions

Many people feel the need to apologize for asking hard questions about Christianity, the Bible, God, the Church, or Lifehouse. But here's the thing, if we stand on TRUTH, questions and scrutiny should never intimidate or scare us.

It's similar to the idea, "only liars need good memories". Only dishonest or deceitful organizations, religions, etc need to be scared of honest questioning and scrutiny. Why do you think cults have "all" the answers to what they believe? They want to appear intelligent, polished, and as though they have it all figured out. If they have an answer to every questions, then there's no reason for you to doubt.

But faith includes a component of doubt and questioning. Unquestioned faith isn't faith at all- it's blind allegiance. I'm confident that the TRUTH of Jesus and the power of the gospel have, are, and will continue to endure all scrutiny, critique, and critical analysis. We have the TRUTH so we don't need to be frightened by the investigation of it.

Invite questions. Ask hard questions. Wonder! Think! Ask, "what if?" God is big enough for our ponderings. Besides, if you/ me can explain everything there is to know about God, maybe we're not following a very big God. I want to believe in a God that I can't entirely explain. I like moments when I'm caught off guard by God, or confused by what He does or amazed by His mystery.


Aaron said...

Questions are fruitless.

Unknown said...

Ha ha...

Anonymous said...

to quote Pilate, "What is truth?"