Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Being Proactive

As a kid I used to hope for the best and then not plan at all, counting on the fact that what I hoped would happen actually would happen. You know, so some kid was mean to me, I hope he would just go away. Or I needed to write a paper, get some chores done, and study for a test- I just hoped school would get canceled. You see what I mean.

What I'm learning is to be proactive, plan ahead, pray for and hope for the best, and prepare for the worst. We are responsible to do all that is humanly possible, then leave the impossible up to God. Many people suffer from doing only part of what's possible and then expect God to come through- not only on what's impossible, but also what's possible.

Here are some areas to consider becoming more proactive in (and I'm listing them because I feel like I'm being proactive in these areas as an example, and the one's I'm not doing, I didn't list:)
  • Taxes (for those who are panicking, waiting in long lines, my apologizes), but Laura and I try to file our taxes as soon as all the necessary paperwork arrives. Ok, seems impossible, you can do it.
  • Savings and retirement: the Bible teaches that a righteous man leaves and inheritance to his children's children. We should plan ahead, save, and invest for retirement. Don't hope that money will be there to live on, plan for it and save.
  • Life insurance and wills: Laura and I just got this one taken care of, and it was scary. We sat down and had a will, living will, and all that done. I hated answering some of the questions, but it's necessary. I hope that if you read this, and you haven't set up a will, living will, etc that you'll do it very soon. I actually have this thought that if I've prepared and got everything in order, I'll never need it.
  • Conflict resolution: NO! the tension won't just go away, we've got to talk about it, look people in the eye and deal with issues. Go out of your way to make things right with others, and take personal responsibility for the tension. Give the other person the benefit of the doubt. Make the phone call. Go visit them. It will pay off!
again, be proactive. Things won't just take care of themselves!

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