Monday, April 11, 2011

Share YOUR Story

Just kicked off a sermon series called Scars (read more here, listen here), and as we go through the Book of Psalms, we've been invited people at Lifehouse Church East to share their Scar Stories.

And that's what we're inviting you to share. Go to, and browse others' stories and share yours.

We all have scars. And we all have scar stories. A fall. A fight. An accident. A surgery. They tell of antics and heroics, tragedies and near-misses, adventure, stupidity. These stories become more dramatic as time distances us from the pain of the moment; we almost relish retelling a good scar story by enhancing it with sound effects, emotion and animation.

There are, however, other scar stories. These are the stories we avoid telling and revealing, stories of deep, internal scars that still evoke pain, fear, worry, regret, shame or guilt. Unlike most physical scars, these scars never quite heal. Their sting remains and the wound re-opens unexpectedly. Just when we think we are over it, something can trigger the event. And “WHAM!” We are back in that dark moment of depression, grief, devastation, or doubt.

These stories leave us feeling alone and isolated, and we tell ourselves that no one could ever understand what we’ve been through. We tell ourselves, “I’ll never recover. God isn’t here for me, and even if he is, He doesn’t care about me.” But Isaiah 53:5 declares, “By his wounds we were healed.” Yes, past tense. God’s story intersected with our story, and Jesus’ scars healed our scars. He offered healing before we even experienced the wound.

However, in the church, many of us prefer to act like we have it all together, like there aren’t festering wounds and haunting fears deep in our heart. Like the waiting room of the ER, the church is a triage center for spiritual and emotional brokenness. The members act like doctors so others won’t see their need for the Great Physician. But let me expose the brutal reality- we ALL have our scar stories. We ALL need Jesus!

In 2010, the members of Lifehouse Church East began to publicly share their scar stories with each other, and found healing, hope, and comfort. People began to realize they were not alone. They realized that many people have walked through a similar scar story, and for those still struggling with doubt, fear, depression, or darkness, they could find encouragement from those who walked the path before them.

We pray this website will be a place where you can find encouragement and healing as you walk through your own scar story. Browse other people’s stories or perhaps consider sharing your own. Allow yourself to be honest. Admit that you’ve struggled, doubted, and suffered. Be transparent, be vulnerable, and believe that Jesus’ scars can, have, and will heal your scars.

So what’s your scar story?

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