Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Most Important Leadership Lesson

Pareto Principle (know as the 80-20 rule) states that we get 80% of results from 20% and vice-versa (more about that tomorrow). I'll write a few posts on this principle.

For leaders, this means that 20% of what we spend time doing produces 80% of our results/ effectiveness. I've learned this the hard way, but have also learned a key lesson: focus on making the 20% that's most effective the focus of 80% of my energy and effort. Personally, that means giving away 1/2 my job description every 6-9 months. It requires discipline and focus. I must be intentional.

Here's a repost of a blog I write on 2/20/2008. This was a key leadership growth moment for me, and as is common, God used Laura to help me learn it. Enjoy! (It's also interesting to look back and see how far we've come).

Yesterday, I cracked open [a book] that's been waiting to be read, The Next Generation Leader by Andy Stanley. Laura was out with some ladies and the girls were in bed, so, with some alone time, I sat down to read. Right off the bat- wow! [What I didn't include in this post: before Laura left the house, she said, "Patrick, you can't keep up this break-neck pace; it's going to kill you. You're doing too much, and you have to give some of it away."]

Now, for my confession. I love the quote and have made it a core value at Lifehouse Church: Pray like everything depends on God, work like everything depends on you (Martin Luther). My tendency is to pray, then work, and if that's not enough, I'll work harder and harder. So, I'll put in too many hours.

I know that I must train leaders, give away ministry responsibilities, and I'm doing that to the best of my ability. However, while reading the first chapter, Stanley challenges the reader to evaluate what 2 or 3 things you are good at and are passionate about doing and do that. Give everything else away to others! [The first line of the first chapter states, "YOU ARE DOING TOO MUCH!" Coincidence, I think not!]

I thought I'd already done this, but it's time to re-evaluate. My new mission is to evaluate better what I'm currently doing, narrow down my scope of ministry to only a few things, then develop other leaders to do what they love doing and trust them with ministry.

Here's my list of things I'm passionate about and will focus my energy on at Lifehouse:

  1. Preaching- to relevantly and creatively communicate the Truth of the Bible,
  2. Vision casting- to lead Lifehouse in toward our God-given Cause and to inspire as many people as possible to join us in fulfilling this cause,
  3. Leadership development- to raise up new leaders as pastors, ministry leaders, and influencers; also, to develop new church planter.

Stanley states that if leaders will do what they're best at, we will be most effective and the whole church will grow and be significantly more impactful.

So, here's what we need:

  • pastor or leader of pastoral care- counseling, pre-marriage counseling, visitation, hospital visits, personal mentoring, etc. [Thanks Pastor Joe and Lois for still pastoring and staying the course with Lifehouse!! We love and appreciate you!]
  • administrative assistant/ book-keeper. [now LHCE has several PT and FT admin. In fact, most of our paid staff serve primarily in administrative roles].

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