Monday, December 07, 2009

Big Announcement- We're going to 2 Services

Excited to announce that Lifehouse will have 2 Sunday services starting on January 10th. Here's some important info you'll want and need to know about the WHY's and WHAT's of this transition to 2 services.

First, the WHY's:
  • So grateful that so many guests and regular Lifehousers show up every weekend. We've been averaging about 485 people per Sunday, and that means we're running out of seats.
  • To reach more guests, we need more chairs. By adding a 2nd service, we double our seating capacity. This gives us more space to reach more people with whom we can share the amazing message of the gospel. And that is our ultimate Cause- to share and show our world the gospel of Jesus!
  • More options: for more people to attend (can pick time that works best for them), and allow people who couldn't come before, to now join us!
  • More opportunities to serve: some people don't want to serve in ministry during the service, because they don't want to miss it (we totally understand!). This way, everyone can participate in one service and serve in the other, and always get to participate in a service.
  • INVITE YOUR FRIENDS. Our main purpose is to give us room to reach more unchurched and de-churched people. God loves everyone you know, and He wants them to discover the abundant life and salvation through Jesus. Invite them to join us during one of our services.
Now, the WHAT's:
  • Times: 1st service- 9-10:10am; 2nd service- 10:30-11:40am.
  • Café- 8:30-9am & 10-10:30. We want to continue providing coffee and light breakfast foods for both services, but don't want to wear our team out, so we're limiting this to 1/2 hour time slots and limiting what will be served. So, if you want coffee and breakfast get there early and say lots of THANK YOU's to the Café Team!
  • Children's ministries: will be available during BOTH services. Additionally, for children that will be in both services (since many parents will be serving during one services), there will be Kidz Life Groups (discipleship classes) available during the 9am service.
  • Sunday morning Life groups: we do offer adult life groups at 9am currently. We will offer life groups during both services. So, you can participate in one service, attend a life group in the other. Most life groups are available during the week in homes, but Sunday morning groups are available for those who need childcare and are only available on Sundays.
Addressing a few concerns/ questions you might have:
  • Won't 2 services mean it will feel like their are 2 churches? Service styles will be the same, including sermons. We will be giving our best to both services, so quality and experience will be very similar. Primary difference will be time.
  • Won't I feel disconnected from people in the other service? Great question! Yes, but do you feel connected with everyone in our service right now? Probably not. Why? If any church has over 40 people attending, it's impossible to be intimately connected with everyone. Additionally, Sunday services are NOT designed to help people feel more connected to each other, that's what life groups and ministry groups are for. We passionately believe in relationships. To get more connected to a small group of people, so that you feel like you're part of the Lifehouse "family of friends", join a ministry and a life group. Trust me, those small groups are the best place to find friends and feel connected NOT MATTER how many people Lifehouse continues to reach on Sunday mornings.
How can YOU help? Thought you'd never ask! Between Now and Jan 10th, we'll be asking you to commit to the following:
  • which service will you be participating in: 9 or 10:30?
  • which service will you be serving in: 9 or 10:30?
  • which ministry will you be serving in: see our website for more details or sign up next Sunday?
Hope this helps provided so much needed information.

Please PRAY for God's favor during this transition and that we would continue to REACH many unchurched and de-churched people with the message of Jesus' salvation.

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