Monday, December 21, 2009

Best Sermon I've Ever Heard

My 8-year old daughter, Rebecca, led our church service at home yesterday. Let me set this up by giving you the background, but keep reading to hear one of the best devotions on the meaning of Christmas and salvation.

Since Lifehouse services were canceled due to inclement weather, we had a family worship time with both sets of grandparents, who were all snowbound in our townhouse. That devotion I prepped for everyone at LHE, we threw out the window when Rebecca was willing to lead the whole service.

Words can't describe my pride as I watched and experienced her lead us. She, with the help of her sisters, sang Joy to the World, Away in a manger, Jesus loves the little children, I have decided (all 5 verses), and Silent Night.

Then came the sermon. Rebecca and Carissa read from their children's story Bible and incredibly illustrated the Creation, using a flashlight as light, stuff animals to show when God made all different kinds of creatures, and so on. They even had an apple for when Eve ate from the "Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil". Rebecca explained that Jesus came to pay the price/ penalty for our sins and the sin of all mankind. And flip over to the Nativity stories in their Bible. More illustrations using our manger figurines. At this point, we were all enjoying the simple truths in the teaching. Then...

Rebecca wrapped up the illustrated sermon with this devotion:

The Recycled Life, by Rebecca Grach

Can you think of some things that get recycled? Paper, plastic, metal cans.

Our life is a lot like a piece of paper. It gets worn out, dirty, and messed up. It becomes useless and damaged. Sin destroys what used to be clean and perfect. Our soul is damaged, messed up, and destroyed.

God takes all our mess, trash, and He RECYCLES our life. Through His love and forgiveness, Jesus reaches into our life, makes everything perfect and new.

Do you need your life recycled? What is damaged, trashed, messed up that you need to allow God to completely remake and recycle? What is destroyed that only God can transformed into something new and beautiful?

BTW, we do have pictures which I'll post later. If I had a video camera, you'd all be in tears.

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