Tuesday, December 02, 2008

The Truth is Absurd

Here's the trailer for Lifehouse's newest sermon series, beginning on Red Carpet Sunday (we're rolling out the red carpet for YOU), December 7th:

We're exploring the absurdities of Christmas. Most have grown up with Christmas both as a tradition and as a part of their heritage.

Have you ever really just wondered about it? I mean taken a critical look at what the Bible presents as the story of Christmas? It's craziness. The "why's" will make your brain hurt. It doesn't all fit neatly into our logical, reasonable, contractual human minds. God laid a gift under the tree at Christmas, and when we opened it to see what was inside, it has blown our minds away. He defies our reason, and anyone who's intellectually honest, shakes their head and thinks,

Discover the hidden treasures, the truths that most be explored, and the story that keeps being retold.

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