Monday, December 01, 2008

Struggling with our WHY

Both those who attend and who don't are questioning the relevance of the Christian Church.
  • why does it exist?
  • what should her energy be most focused in?
  • where is her greatest impact?
  • why is she declining in the US?
  • how should the resources of the church be best used to make the greatest difference?
  • what difference should the Church be making?
  • what efforts are worth her time, energy, and money?
I realize that some are "sorta" repeats. But I'm struggling because I hear opposing thoughts both from leaders within and talking-heads outside.

Here are some varying thoughts:
  • the Cause of the Church is the greatest in the world. (Hybels) The Church is the ONLY organization/ organism in the world that can bring hope and healing to the human heart.
  • if everyone in the US who attended a Christian church tithed (gave 10% of income to the church), the Church would have the greatest financial resource in the world, and would be able to finance every major social injustice in the world.
  • the Church is the largest organization in the world, and is strategically placed around the entire world as a center of education, medical help/ disease control, and health resource (food, clean water, AIDS prevention, etc).
  • the Church is the largest voting block and, as such, should stand up, speak out, vote values, and take lead of electing politicians that are most aligned with biblical values.
  • the Church shouldn't get caught up in politics. It's a waste of time and energy, and she is better suited to lead and transform hearts rather than changing people's politics.
For some reason, I struggle with how much of the Cause of the Church is in truly reaching our communities, cities, and world for Jesus, and how much of it is in earning rapport through meeting felt needs. If we spend all our time meeting real needs will we be a powerful Messenger of Jesus' love and life to our world? On the other hand, if we don't meet real needs, do we have any credibility to share Jesus?

How would you answer these questions:
  • what efforts are most worthy of the Church's efforts?
  • where should the bulk of the Church's resources be allocated (time, volunteers, money)?

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