Monday, December 08, 2008

Fired Up

Most of you who know me and some who don't (whoever you are), have heard me say, write, shout, "I'M FIRED UP!" At times I am saying this to convince myself, but most of the time I have good reason for it. Here's what I recently wrote to a friend,

The secret to my fire

A few things I’ve learned about being fired up:

  • It doesn’t matter how I feel. Being "fired up" is lite by a passion that I believe in what I’m doing and that I can make a difference for eternity (read Jeremiah 20:9-10, "But if I say, “I will not mention him, or speak any more in his name,” his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.”). I have determined to stay focused and “fired up” regardless of my circumstances, only then can I lead others. Otherwise, I’m a roller coaster- fun to ride, but always ends up back where it started with no change except an emotional rush. And yes, sometimes, many times, I am putting my game-face on. But I won't tell you when, because it doesn't matter.
  • I honestly believe what I read in the Bible. You know- that whole heaven, eternal reward thing- yep, all true. I don’t care the cost on earth, I’ll get my rewards in eternity. It’s worth it! And that hell thing. It keeps me passionate to rescue as many people through Jesus' message as possible. And realizing that my time is short, that gives me urgency.
  • God uses ordinary people like me and you. How can you NOT be fired up about that! To think that the King of the Universe has adopted me and commissioned me to be both joint heir to His Kingdom and fellow-servant for His Cause. Unfathomable!
  • Sometimes I wish it would go away. It gets tiring. At times I’d rather take the easy road of lazy ministry, small dreams, and normal work days. Yea, I know. It’d be boring, unrewarding, but easier and I could be selfish. Then, I relate back to the other points above.
  • Some people will come just to “watch you burn”. When we’re on fire, people want to be around us, because we’re passionate, full of conviction, vision. Who doesn’t want to be around a person who believes passionately in what they’ve given their life to?

Okay, that’s it! Keep serving God and giving him your life! Only God knows how our lives will impact eternity.

My greatest fear: that I will get to heaven and be disappointed to learn that God had so much more planned for my life but I didn’t fulfill it.

What about you? Are YOU fired up? What keeps you "fired up"?


Fired Up JR said...

WOW! Now we know the secret to your super powers.

Thanks for sharing what keeps you going.


Unknown said...

Love the comment. I can't give all my secrets away or someone might start trying to multiply what we're doing.

Oh, wait. That is the plan. Excited to see lots more "ordinaries" become "etraordinaries" through God's power and destiny.