Monday, June 23, 2008


If you can't tell, I'm having a blast preaching this message series "On the Shoulders of Giants". It's amazing to put our life into the broader context of history. It forces me to get my eyes off of myself and onto what I've been given by the heroes/ giants before me and what is expected of me.

It's an incredible challenge to think about your part as a verse in the song of redemption, a chapter in the book of Life, a stanza in the great love poem of God. We're responsible to carry with wisdom a baton that has been handed to us by giants like Abraham (no last name needed), Moses, David, Gideon, Samuel, Isaiah, John the Baptist, Peter, John, James, Paul, JESUS himself, Ignatius, Polycarp, Tertullian, Jerome, Augustine, Martin Luther, Calvin, Tyndale, Wesley brothers, and Billy Graham, just to name a very small few. Who among us will rise up and be counted? Who will we pass the baton to? How well will we have apprenticed them and model for them what it means to be a Christ-follower?

A side note: every time a start preparing for a sermon series, which is usually a few months in advance, I think that I'll never come up with something more creative or as powerful as the one I'm in at the moment. So, I'm constantly amazed by the reality that God is the other of creativity, and He is omni-creative. Never runs out of ideas and always offers us new insight to present the same powerful message of God's love in new, fresh, and powerful ways.

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