Friday, January 07, 2011

Yes, I am THAT guy!

As much as I hate to admit it, over the last few weeks, I've become THAT guy.

First, I got in my first car accident the week before Christmas, and so I was THAT guy on the side of the road, staring at my broken car with mess in the street and fire, police, and tow trucks around.

And it was the day we got the inch or 2 of snow, so it was freezing cold. Not whining, just explaining.

Then, yesterday, I wiped on the treadmill at the Y. Yep, I'm THAT guy that falls on the treadmill. I mean, who does that?!

It was pretty embarrassing. How? My ipod fell off when I hit the earphone wire.  I thought I hit the stop button when I got off to pick up my ipod, so when I got back on, I was surprised to step onto the still spinning machine. WIPE OUT! The gym was full, and several people started asking me if I was okay.

Honestly, from an average guys perspective, even if my arm or leg was severed, I still would have said, "of course, I'm fine!" However, that was the end of my run.

Here are some other people that were THAT guy, only way funnier:

You shouldn't have laughed, that almost was me...

What's your experience at being THAT guy? I want some good confessions here.

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