Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Lesson #12 from 2010

I'll take some time each day to blog lessons I learned (many the hard way) from 2010. Starting with #12:

Transparency trumps failure. When, not if, we mess up, admit it candidly, take responsibility, then move on.

Biblical mandate for this principle: Isaiah 11:2-3, "
The Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon Him, The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, The Spirit of counsel and might, The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD. His delight is in the fear of the LORD..." (NKJV)

I've never made any pretense of being perfect or fearless. However, when I mess up or fail, it can still be very disillusioning to those I lead. That fear of leaving people demotivated and disillusioned can keep many pastors and leaders back from being honest about their shortcomings, failures, and poor decisions. But I learned in 2010, regardless of how sizable the failure or painful the unmet expectation, just admit it.

During a particularly difficult season at Lifehouse, I had a choice, as I was preparing for our annual business meeting, where I was going to present that things did not work out like I had vision-casted that they would. Be the leader I was taught to be and act like I had it all figured out and just cast new/ different vision, hoping people won't figure out that we've dramatically changed course OR candidly share my mistakes, what I've learned, what I am certain God is speaking to us, and transparently invite people to follow in spite of my humanness.

To my surprise, Jesus-followers are more gracious with transparent, honest leaders than we give them credit. People are looking for vulnerability among leaders more than stoic, I-have-it-all-together-and-figured-out charades.

Thanks Lifehouse for giving me a deeper faith in God and the Church.

In what area do you need to choose transparency over saving face?

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