Tuesday, February 03, 2009

A Scary Prayer

Recently I have felt an increased awareness of a tension that I think many find challenging. It's this- the world vs. eternity; living for the now vs. living for eternity; wanting more vs. giving more.

So, today in our staff prayer, I prayed a very uncomfortable, scary prayer, and I even thought of retracting it as it was coming out of my mouth. But I mean it and I really believe God will answer it.

Here's what I was thinking before I prayed, "God, this is so hard for me, and the flesh side of me doesn't even want you to answer my prayer. But here goes..."

"God, help me to surrender fully to you and live only for eternity,
so that this world has no grip on my life.
I don't want to be consumed with what this world has to offer or what I can gain.
Help me so live for eternity that I will make any sacrifice, surrender every care, and submit to your perfect will. And give me such a firm grasp on eternity, that it doesn't even feel like sacrifice. Help me live only for eternity!"

Will you pray the scary prayer, "Help me live only for eternity"?

How would the answer to that prayer change your life?


Anonymous said...

Peace be with you

Anonymous said...

May you be able to stay on this path and continue to follow a prayer that should not be scary! May God be with you every step of the way helping you to stay on your choosen path!

Anonymous said...

That is a scary prayer. When you truly count the cost, it's terrifying. But when you live for the adventure of pursing God, there is no other way!


Anonymous said...
