Thursday, August 21, 2008


We have set aside this week (8/17-22) for fasting and prayer among Lifehouse leaders.

Why? This is a critical time to put our focus on God and keep our hearts broken and centered on Him. Fasting and prayer are not tools to twist God's arm, but a way to quiet ourselves and prepare our hearts for what God wants to do in and through us. Since fall is an exciting, busy, and forward- moving time for us, this week is an opportunity for a spiritual tune up before September hits.

Here are a few themes over the last few days:
  • Monday- Isaiah 61:1-7 The great exchange. We believe that God wants to refresh us and renew our spirits. Take time for the great exchange, trading our mess for His mercy, our tragedies for His triumph, and our failures for His forgiveness.
  • Tuesday- Psalm 51 Cleansing waters. God is in the triage business of accessing our sin, guilt, and shame, and forgiving, healing, and making us whole. We are made new when we accept His love and forgiveness.
  • Wednesday- Joshua 3:1-4 Let's invite God to lead us into scary, dangerous territory and dreams. We must have His presence before us, and consecrate our hearts and lives so that He can do amazing things through us.
  • Thursday- Joshua 1:1-9 Be very bold, very courageous. "Dream no small dream for it stirs not the hearts of men..." and it requires not the hand of God. We're praying for impossibilities to become divine possibilities. We're asking for the hand of God to be powerfully apparent in our lives and within Lifehouse Church East.
What is God speaking to you during your personal time with Him?

How are you removing the distractions of life to focus on God?

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