Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Not bright, cheery, sunny...

As some know, I have continued training, after my first triathlon, for future races. While I won't race again until Spring '08, it requires this much time to get ready, especially for the BIG, CRAZY goals I set for myself.

However, this week is my light week. Basically, training is 3 steps forward, 2 steps back. The regimen is designed scientifically to allow your body to build both endurance and allow time to rest and rebuild to prevent muscle and tissue damage.

Imagine that! Our bodies can't go at 110 mph non-stop for days, weeks, months, like so many of us believe. So, while I'm still training at about 80% of what I did last week, my body appreciates the slow down and is in rebuild mode.

Have you ever thought that the best thing for you, your mind, spirit, family, business, whatever... was a light week. You know, 2 steps back from the hectic pace you've been keeping. Look at it like you've been going through life at break-neck speed and know it's time for a re-building season. So, take some time to slow down, pray, meditate, ask some "why" questions, take a walk, eat dinner as a family for several nights in a row, do a family devotion, take some time one evening for solitude and personal reflection. Better yet, stop trying to do anything, turn off the TV, and just go to bed early this week.

Don't worry, there's always next week, when we'll be amping back up by 10% increments, then this time next month, it's another LIGHT WEEK. Maybe that's why God established that whole once-a-week Sabbath thing. We need REST!

1 comment:

Ron Weinke and Dean Peterson said...

I think this is an area we can all be reminded of every day of every week and many of us still wouldn't really be convinced. I think we know that we need the rest, but it just doesn't seem possible when there is so much to do!

Unfortunately, our hectic pace has stiffled the work of God in our lives. We pray in a casual passing comment type manner and expect answers ASAP! We don't take the time to be still before the Lord because the kids won't give us a minute of peace let alone any meaningful solitude. I just read in "Parenting with Love and Logic" that one of the best ways we can improve our parenting is to make sure we model taking care of ourselves for our children. Our kids learn from us in many ways, of course and if they see us running at frantic speed, not eating right, not exercising, and not making our faith an integral part of our daily lives; they suffer for it. Taking time for yourself, while "selfish" in the view of our society, is really one of the best things we can do as parents, both for our own sanity and for the model to our kids.

I also see a great parallel with working out and our spiritual growth. We change the normal routine of our exercise so that we can experience new muscle growth and increased stamina. The exact same idea can be applied to our spiritual lives. When we fall into patterns of complacency, sometimes it is good to rest, take pause, and perhaps try a new routine. The beauty is that no one has figured out the perfect formula yet, so you can blaze a new trail towards a deeper relationship with God!