Friday, July 27, 2007

Too Busy Not to Pray

I borrowed it from Martin Luther, but it's a great quote and a great core value for LifeHouse:

"Pray like everything depends on God and work like everything depends on you."

This is critical. It means I have to work my butt off AND completely rely on God.

If you're entrepreneurial or task-oriented or just ADHD, it's easy to get the working-hard thing down. Go non-stop until the job is done, then recheck it to make sure you crossed the "t"s and dotted the "i"s. But this praying-like-everything-depends-on-God thing is tough. That means, we live realizing that we're too busy NOT to pray. So, when I get stuck or feeling overwhelmed or discouraged, I stop and pray. And it's best to start the day off right- in prayer.

I'm writing this 'cause it's on my mind, as in, I just lived this. I can get busy, start the morning off with my workout, breakfast, then dive right in to work. Sitting a working on my sermon, I started to feel lost and couldn't gather my thoughts... Then, I felt that tug. That reminder in your gut. The one that helps you stay focused on the big stuff in life. So, I stopped and prayed. Wow! God's great. He picks us up, puts us back on our feet and keeps us headed in the right directions.

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