Thursday, April 05, 2007


Why do we do what we do on Sunday mornings at The LifeHouse? Thought this would be the best place to spell it out, then I'll just send everyone who asks here first.

Our goal at The LifeHouse on Sunday mornings: Tear Down the Walls and Preconceptions People Have toward Church so that God can Do Whatever He Wants! I believe that many times, people are not turned off to Jesus or the message of the Bible, as much as they are to the Church. They may have had negative experiences, been hurt by people in the church, or even by leadership/ pastors. So, when guests arrive at our doors, they have walls of fear, inadequacy, doubt, guilt, condemnation, rejection, et cetera.

And our goal is to remove those walls so that everyone opens their heart of to what God wants to accomplish.
  • That's why we have smiling, warm greeters at the entrance- so people feel welcomed and accepted.
  • That's why we serve a full breakfast with large portions- so people feel like we're here to serve and give rather than take and demand (we're not here looking to get something from you, but to offer you an opportunity to experience God).
  • That's why we have a video introduction- so that our guests know exactly what to expect and they know we've been expecting them- so that they feel warmly received and know what will be happening through the service.
  • That's why we have great children's programs- so that we can care for their kids, so that they're not preoccupied or distracted- so that they can experience God. Besides, then their kids are having a great time learning and experiencing God as well.
  • That's why we have high-energy, celebration-style worship- so that we create a place where God can come and be "throned on the praise of His people." I'm confident that the musical/ singing environment where God is lifted up as an "awesome God" is also a transforming environment. Why? Because, when we get a proper perspective of God, then we can have faith and allow Him to miraculously intervene in our lives. Our music gets our blood pumping and allows God to accomplish His work in our lives.
  • That's why I use lots of illustrations and video clips in my sermon messages. So that the biblical truths become alive, relevant, and practical in our lives TODAY! These aren't just truths or principles for people that lived 2000 years ago, but are very useful for each of us today. But it's my job to communicate these truths in a way that our culture and generation can understand. My goal is to communicate the Truth of the Bible in a way that everyone can understand, so that the Truth will transform our lives.
  • We do a lot more things to tear down walls and allow God to accomplish whatever He wants to accomplish, but these are probably the big ones that I hear the most about- so there you go!
Enjoy! And let's continue to make our mission on Sunday morning to DISARM and DE-WALL all of our guests so that God can do what He wants to in their lives.

IF YOU ARE A GUEST READING THIS, I want you to know that we are looking forward to seeing you on Sunday, and believe firmly that God has something special for you. So, open your heart to His love and purposes for your life!


Lisa McCaw said...

I remember a day, well over two years ago, I found a door hanger on my front door. Not just any door hanger, A LIFEHOUSE door hanger! For quite sometime I had been hungering, searching for just the "right" place for my family, for our journey. You see, a couple of years prior to that day, I had asked God to bless my family with a third child. By medical standards, a miracle. All of the Doctors had said "it will never happen naturally, your chances are less than 1%." I decided at that moment the only way was going to be through God. So right or wrong, I made a promise to God at that moment. The promise was, if you give me a child, I'll give you my heart and theirs. I will give not just myself to you, but I will see to it that my whole famiy serves you. God heard that promise. At that moment I heard his voice tell me I would have that child. A peace entered my heart that that I cannot explain. Two years later, almost to the day, I found out I was expecting! And along came Ty! My miracle, my "1%, it'll never happen." God is faithful! Okay, so why am I telling you this? A few months went by, and the longing in my heart to serve the Lord and to make him proud grew stronger. He had given this beautiful little boy to me and I so strongly wanted to make good on my promise! As I said, I searched, but nothing fit. The rest of my family didn't quite enjoy doing "church". I still felt this longing, but yet a promise that He would put me where I belonged, where my WHOLE family would fit. Then along came my second door hanger. That following Sunday I went to The Lifehouse. When I walked in those same greeters met me at the door. I felt like they were old friends that I hadn't seen in years. The entire service was incredible, it fit. Everyone ushered me in with such warmth and encouragement. I truly have never felt more welcome and accepted in any place I've ever been. After hearing the message and seeing the hearts of all those amazing people I felt encouraged. I remember thinking, this is not that hard! I can do this! I felt empowered. Most of all the raw, truth of everyone around me saying...yup I've done that, I messed up too, I get frustrated and ask questions all the time...well, needless to say I immediately heard God say..."Welcome to your new family, this is your home." I can't imagine my life without these people, The Lifehouse.

For me, the kindness of the greeters, the obedience and service of that person who hung that door hanger on my door, and countless amazing experiences with each of you Lifehousers has made more than a difference in my life, my family, my journey. What you do, means more than you know. In sharing my story and it's effect on me, I hope that it inspires and renews you in that, you just never know where someone is in their journey. What "promises" they may be trying to fulfill. Your faces and warmth are a beacon of hope and life to all those who enter in. So, please don't ever stop, YOU are making differences in ways you can't even imagine! I LOVE YOU!!
Lisa McCaw

Unknown said...

WOW! I'm speechless and nearly choked up! Thanks for the encouraging word to all.