Monday, June 04, 2012

To Albania or Bust

After 30 hours of travel, we arrived in Tirana, Albania.

While it was eventful - weather delays on the runway at JFK that incentivized us to race through the airport to make our connecting flight to Rome. Only to sit on the tarmac for hours waiting for 30 other flights to take off in front of us.

We made it Rome enthusiastic, then wrangled our way onto the plane for Tirana.

Our team of six will be up early to get to work helping make need repairs and improvements on the Bible School here, before heading to the city of Shkodër for the Convoy outreach event with Adopt-a-community.

Personally, I feel humbled to be here, half way around the world, to share the love of Jesus and show His compassion to a people that I have never met, and know so little about.

What do we have to offer? What difference can we really make?

My conclusion today - the love of Jesus and His gospel are universal messages of compassion and are relevant in every language, tribe, and nation. We are not here because we're Americans or because we have something better to offer them. We are here as representatives Christ, and our only mission is to make Him known. We'll keep you updated. As of now, we'll be back up and ready to work in 5 hrs, so to bed we go.

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