Monday, May 02, 2011

What is THE Church?

Notes from speakers at Exponential Conference (just returned this past weekend):
Speaker Reggie McNeal on "what is the church?"
In current America/ European model, a Church just becomes another category or module of the existing culture, like politics, economics, education, and now- religion.

To truly be the church, the church must spread cross-culturally into each category of culture.

Church is deployed not just gathered.

“Church” is a verb not a noun. The Church has one constant mission- to serve, reach people for Jesus.

The Church must impact her culture by engaging and serving the community. She must penetrate and transform those around her. The evidence of her impact can be measured in lowered crime rate, lowered  gang participation, higher graduation rate, lowered teen pregnancy rate, etc.

These are life/ Kingdom-metrics. Are people being transformed in their living because of the church?

“The church” not A church. It's “being the church” not “going to church”. (I think Reggie got these from me!)

church is not the destination, the Kingdom of God is the destination.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice....I look forward to hearing more.

Jim Hartman
Perry, FL