Wednesday, March 09, 2011

What's Keeping Us from Living Our Dreams

It's not intentions or dreams that matter. It's action or the lack there of.

What's keeping us from living our dreams is not ability, competence, resources, or the right connections. Initially, you might be tempted to disagree and disregard my post. BUT...

I've heard lots of people share big ideas, powerful dreams, and grandiose plans with me. All of which are entirely possible. However, while they're sharing, I'm tempted to ask, "are you really serious about living that out and seeing it through?" Sharing a dream is one thing. Having good intentions is encouraging. But neither actually make anything happen.

Want to know how dreams are lived, plans are laid, and ideas are fulfilled. Action! That's right! Execution. Implementation.

It's what you actually DO that determines whether you'll accomplish your dreams or not.

If you say one thing, but continue doing what you've done or never actually do anything to move toward that dream, guess what? You're not going to live those bold ambitions.

Andy Stanley teaches and explains it best in his podcast, The Principle of the Path (listen here or read his book here)It's the steps you take in a direction that lead to a destination NOT your intended destination. You can want and dream to arrive at a specific destination. BUT if you step in another direction, you will invariably arrive at the destination with which you've actually walked.

So, you want to live your dream? Do something. Write out all the action steps it will take over the next 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years. Then, discover and decided on one action step that you can take immediately to begin living out that dream.

Read a book. Start writing a book. Take a college course. Start down-sizing. Start giving more. Run ONE mile. Throw out the cigarettes or soda or chips. Make the phone call. Send in the application. Make the appointment.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree that dreams (which are of God's heart to ours) need to be embraced as God's plan for us. Then as we live and pray and read the Word, if we are really in faith, the Lord will reveal His plan. We dare not tell the Lord, "OK, thanks, I will take it from here". Too many things in the life of the church have been treated in this way and the church has ended up in the flesh and the Holy Spirit completely left out of the equation. Neither can we just say, "If it is the Lord's will He will do it!" That is not kingdom living either. This walk of faith is a tight rope of godly decisions and being careful to stay "in the Spirit"!.