Monday, February 28, 2011

Re-discovering Masculinity in a Love-crazed Culture

Subscribe, download, or just stream weekly podcast sermons at Lifehouse Church East.  Currently in a series called Love & Other 4 Letter Wordsand examining what it means to love as Jesus-followers, and how that love impacts every part of our life.

Most recent message addressed the identity and role of men according to the Bible.

Yes, it's counter cultural. Yes, it'll offended some people. Yes, it will challenge you to live different than what you've been taught by our cultural teachers of TV, news, and movies.

BUT guys need a challenge and a fight worth fighting.  In a generation plague with fatherless homes and male role models like Charlie Sheen, we could deeply use an infusion of counter- cultural teaching that goes counter- intuitive to our own desires and nature.

To a generation that has seen the role of men torn down to nothing more than negligent sperm-donors or helpless saps.

We need a strong teaching and model of what it means to be real MEN. HUSBANDS. FATHERS.

Listen to this teaching from Ephesians 5:25-33. and discover what it means to BE a MAN!

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