Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Praying to the all- powerful God

Sunrise this morning was a great reminder that God's powerful and in charge. That's an especially necessary thought when things seem out-of-control or profoundly tragic. This is critical now both, personally and globally.

I imagine that those who have family and friends in Haiti are praying most passionately for those they love and for the rescue/ humanitarian efforts. Let's pray with that same level of fervency, urgency, and conviction that we would if our loved one was unreachable in Haiti. Let's cry out to God for people's lives to be spared, safety for humanitarian workers and efforts, and for an open door of the Gospel to penetrate a spiritual dark and antagonistic nation. Pray that many people would discover Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior through this devastating, tragic earthquake.

Our prayer focus today, as part of our topical approach during these 21 days of fasting and prayer, is from Matthew 9:35-38. Read the challenge from Jesus,
“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:37-38 (NIV).
  • those who attend the Church (not just Lifehouse but we're praying for transformation in the whole Church) would become fully devoted Christ-followers,
  • Jesus-followers would obey Him through service and ministry, both in the local church but also to the needs and needy in their community,
  • that God would stir the hearts of people so that they would be Spirit-prompted to serve, give, lead rather than need to be compelled by leaders in the Church.
  • for many servant-minded people to step up to volunteer, serve, and minister,
  • that ministries would be fully staffed and that new ministries would be launched through people passionate to begin living their service to Christ.
"Pray like everything depends on God". -Martin Luther

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