Friday, March 06, 2009

For Display Only

How much of our spiritual life is "for display only"?

I found this Bible on a table at a church ministry center and thought it was odd:

If you can't read the bright green label on this Bible, it says, "For Display Only, DO NOT TAKE"

Wow! Couple thoughts:

1. Is that what our spiritual life is full of? It's just on display but doesn't impact the rest of my life. Are we putting it out for people to see, especially people who will respect our spiritual habits, but we don't let it impact our everyday, private life.

2. If you've got a Bible or Bibles with labels that say, "DO NOT TAKE!" Can I suggest that you forgot why you exist? Matter of fact, let's start putting labels on every Bible we own that say, "PLEASE TAKE, KEEP, and READ!" I want to give as many Bibles away as possible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am behind you 100% Patrick! How "ABSURD" is it that a Display Only, Do Not Take sticker would be placed on a Bible! I, for one, give Bibles out to those in need and I have also sent them as gifts! Thank GOD for Lifehouse Church and you, Pastor Patrick!!!