Thursday, July 31, 2008


There is a significant difference between doing something and being somebody. The difference may only be in identity, but that matters.

Do you swim OR are you a swimmer? You may go swimming, but a swimmer IS more.
Do you run OR are you a runner? It's a matter of commitment and accomplishment.
Do you parent OR are you a mom or dad? Not just a behavior but a way a responsibility and identity.
Do you do Christian disciplines OR are you a Jesus-follower? One is legalistic and behavior focused, the later is a way of life, an identity.

We're not just going through the motions. There's no set stuff that we "do" that makes us something or somebody. "Being" is a way of life, a commitment or devotion to something. Being requires more from us, and outlast the actions themselves. We're parents even when our kids are at home with the babysitter. We're runners even when we're not running.

We are Jesus-followers regardless of the setting, posture, or moment. "Being" doesn't require pews, organ music, robes, or even a Bible in-hand. Being a Jesus follower is a way of life.

Don't just do stuff, BE!

1 comment:

Aaron said...

"Being" instead of "doing" becomes a way of defining myself. I find that when the moment's, circumstance's, or scenario's of life arise, "being" is more real and authentic. I believe Christ does not ask for a "program of doing" from me but to "be" with Him. I can get caught in the wave of earthly life when I am not still and being with Christ. He simplifies and leads me. Aaron