Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Often I will challenge people with a what seems like a brash statement, "I think you have a wimpy God!" or the question, "How big is the God YOU believe in?" Why? I don't think Christians have a very magnified view of God. We do the God-of-All-Creation a serious disservice. Now, before I vent too much, please forgive me too... I'm in the same boat. There are many times when my view of God is pitifully small.

Maybe if we believed what we say we believed about God, we would pray bigger prayers, take impossible risk-steps of faith, sacrifice anything, dream anything, and actually follow his plan.

Do you need a glimpse into God's vastness? Here's something I shared in a sermon recently from Isaiah 40, and couldn't tell you where I borrowed it from:

Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand: He can hold the oceans of the earth in the smallest part of his palm. That’s a few drops of water 841 miles in diameter.

or with the span of his hand marked off the heavens? He measures the universe with His hand, meaning from tip of His pinky-finger to the tip of his thumb. Imagine this- just what you can see with your naked-eye off the horizon is 28 billion light years wide. Light travels 186,000 miles per second. Light takes 8.5 minutes to go 96 million miles from the Sun to Earth. And travels about 6 trillion miles per year. That means that God’s hand is at least 28 billion x 6 trillion miles wide.

Who has held the dust of the earth in a basket, or weighed the mountains on the scales and the hills in a balance?

Can you compare God to anything? Can you compare him to an image of anything?

Who created all these stars? … The Lord is the God who lives forever, who created all the world.

He does not become tired or need to rest.

So, let me ask YOU: HOW BIG IS YOUR GOD?

1 comment:

Ron Weinke and Dean Peterson said...

Great challenge for us all to consider when we "minimize" God. The passages in Job and the Psalms combine with this section of Isaiah to paint a wonderful image of the enormity of God and His awesome power. I see myself not acknowledging a BIG GOD when I don't show a proper fear of God. It seems that too many fit God into a small box in a variety of ways. Good thoughts.