Friday, December 30, 2011

HEARING FROM GOD - Part 2. Lessons from 2011

How do I know I've heard from God? In my blogpost yesterday, I outlined practical steps to hearing from God and how to be sensitive to His guidance in our lives.

But how do I know that the direction I perceive to be God really is God and not just bad pizza?

Here are more practical steps to discerning the voice of God:

  1. Tune Your Ear to His Voice. We must get used to listening to God. His voice isn't a thunder from heaven, and usually not audible (read of Elijah's experience in 1 Kings 19). God's voice is the unshakable mind-voice. His voice is clear, persistent, and always good. The more your listen, the more you will hear God speak.
  2. Biblically-sound. God never contradicts His Word, so anytime you believe you've heard God speak, compare it with the full counsel of Scripture. Study to make sure that it is consistent with the Bible. If it matches the Bible, then it's probably God's leading in your life.
  3. PEACE. For me, peace is the most powerful and obvious indicator of God's direction in my life. Like driving down a highway, we may not always see far or even around the bend, but we know when we're on the road or off. If you drive off, you feel the car shake and the rumble strips rattle your bones. Peace is the calm sense of God's presence with us in the midst of the journey of life. A lack of peace, like hitting the rumble strips, disrupts our status quo and gets our attention. A lack of peace usually feels unsettling, upsetting, and keeps you up at night worried or frustrated.
  4. Counsel. When seeking God's direction, it's always wise to ask other God-fearers to confirm or encourage you. Be teachable and open to their leadership, however, also be careful who you seek after. Don't talk to dream-stealers or negative faith-robbers. Consult with people who are mature, faithful, and godly.
  5. Prophesy. As I wrote yesterday, prophetic words are only conformational, never directional and MUST always be consistent with and line up with the Bible. These words don't have to be prefaced by "thus saith the Lord." In fact, often, God will speak through people with a hunch, or simply have a thought to share with you. They don't even know, at times, that their word is from God. Be sensitive to give ear to people who are sensitive to God. Conversely, be cautious of those who are claiming to hear from God all the time.
  6. Circumstances. Probably, the hardest of this list to discern. At times, God leads and circumstances seem to contradict what God has spoken- in those moments, persist and press on. Other times, God will shut one door to open another. In those moments, we must be sensitive to God to understand that He is ordering our steps through our circumstances. The key to discerning our circumstances is constancy in prayer. If we are confident God is ordering our steps, then we take events as from the Lord, and we follow Him rather than being led by our circumstances. 
In what area of your life, do you need to say YES to God?

How can you adjust your schedule to listen to God?

Thursday, December 29, 2011

HOW TO HEAR FROM GOD! Top Lessons from 2011

Hearing from God is key to walking in God's design and purposes for our life.

Obviously, as a pastor, it's essential that I walk in the confidence that God is leading and directing me, our elders, and the vision of Lifehouse. Since God's plans are not always as clear as reading a roadmap, it is critical that we know how to hear from God. In 2011, we hit up against some obstacles in the course of leading the church that required that I, and the elders, hear from God. So, how do we do it (you know, hear from God)?

Here's as straight-forward a process as I know in hearing from God and discerning His will and plans for life and His Church:

  1. Pray Daily. We can't expect God to lead if we're not regularly discuss life and matters with Him.
  2. Dedicate and commit our days and ways to Him. Surrender our daily activity to God.
  3. Read the Bible Daily. God leads and directs through His Word. As we read, study, meditate, memorize, and apply the Bible, it becomes alive in our hearts. God can speak directly through us reading His Word, and most often does.
  4. Repentance. Clear disobedience to God will hinder His guidance and our sensitivity to His leadership in our hearts. Once we get sin out of the way, then we are more apt to hear the quiet voice of God.
  5. Fasting and Prayer. There are times when I/ we need to quiet ourselves and the other appetites in our life, leverage them to focus on God, and seeking God by laying aside other distractions. During times when we most need to hear from God for the church, I set aside a day or days to fast and pray, and at times I invite the elders and even the pastoral team to join in. We pray for God to speak to us, direct us, and guide our decision making.
  6. Confession and Reflection. During fasting and prayer, I have a 3-step process to hearing from God and discerning His direction: 1st- repeat and ask God to reveal any hidden sin that might be hindering His will in my life or the church; 2nd- lay down "our" agenda for God's plans, and I ask God if the direction we were planning to go is truly His desire; 3rd- ask, "is there a door that God has opened that I/ we have not walked through, so that is why He has not opened another?" At times, God opens a door, but since it's not the door we wanted or expected, we don't walk through. Meanwhile, God desires obedience. And He won't open another door, because He's waiting for our submission and obedience to His desires.
  7. Confirmation. God will only confirm His desires through others- whether it's simple encouragement or a prophetic word or counsel. These words are never directional but ONLY conformational. We only listen if they match what God has already spoken into our hearts. If not we tuck them away, like Mary (mother of Jesus) did when she "pondered them in her heart."
  8. Live Obediently. There are times when we don't necessarily hear a direction from God. What do we do in those moments? We do all of the above, then we trust and obey God, and follow Proverbs 3:5-6, and trust that God will direct our thoughts, decision-making, and actions. We believe that God does order our steps.
I could probably write a blog about each of these. If I get strong feedback, I will! Let me know.

How can I adjust my disciplines to clearly hear God's desires and will for my life?

In what area of my life do I need to trust and obey God and follow through on what He has already spoken?

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Top Lessons from 2011- Be Faithful in Little

My next several posts will be lessons I learned or re-learned (the hard way) in 2011. All of them were learned through experience not books or in theory. Hopefully, I can save you the pain of learning them through difficult, so learn from my brokenness.


I started out 2011, leading Lifehouse with a vision to plant one new church this Fall and start 2 multi-sites, one on Saturday evening and the other as a 2nd campus on Sunday mornings. To be frank, I even shared with our team and thought privately that it was very ambitious and seemed impossible. I suggested that it's not really how churches function, even a thriving, healthy church like Lifehouse.

Then, I figured, "our vision for the Church should be overwhelming and seem impossible."

We planted Lifehouse- Hedgesville and it publicly launched in Sept. 2011! We're very excited about what God has done and is doing through Pastor JD and LHC-H.

BUT the lesson: we didn't start 2 multi-sites in 2011. We are still working on getting a multi-site service up and going and have it in the works for 2012. We very much plan on making this happen with God's help. However, we did learn a hard lesson: Be Faithful in Little BEFORE being entrusted with much!

God entrusts us with little so we can prove faithful and fruitful. Once, we've learned the necessary skills, lived the experiences, and developed the character needed to thrive in much, God will entrusts us with MORE. Then, MUCH!

We had not proven that we could launch ONE multi-site or plant ONE new church! So, it was not only ambitious to plan to launch 3 in one year, it was unrealistic. Not because God is unable, but because Kingdom- wisdom requires us to learn, be faithful in little THEN be entrusted with more.

We are planning on launching a multi-site this year. We hope to learn all the necessary lessons and gain all the necessary experience so that we can launch another.

What lessons do you need to learn in your area of "little" so that God can entrust you with "more"?

How can you prepare yourself rigorously for the dreams God has put in your heart?

Thursday, September 29, 2011

REPOST- Fishers of men, not keepers of the aquarium

I often read blogs, books, and writings from pastors and authors who communicate concepts I think, but in a more effective manner. So, rather than try to compete, I just repost theirs.

Great thoughts by Pastor Steve about the focus, philosophy, and Cause of The Church and why we do what we do! Enjoy!

Here's a great blogpost by Steve Furtick of Elevation Church from February 7th on Leadership, Ministry Perspective:

- - -

People ask me all the time how we’ve been able to see so many people come to Christ in five years.

Outside of the favor of God, I could give you a lot of specifics. Tell you a lot of things that we’ve done. But none of it will help you until you make a decision we made in the early days of our church.

And that was the decision to be more focused on the people we’re trying to reach than on the people we’re trying to keep. As others have said, to be fishers of men, not just keepers of the aquarium.

We’re not going to cater to the personal preferences of the few in our pursuit of the salvation of the many.

And that includes if the few is ten people when we’re pursuing one hundred.
Or 5,000 when we’re pursuing 10,000.
Or 10,000 when we’re pursuing 20,000.

Most people and churches aren’t willing to do that. They’re keepers of the aquarium. They say they want to reach people, but in reality they’re more focused on preservation than expansion. On keeping people rather than reaching them.

They let saved people dictate style. Saved people dictate focus. Saved people dictate vision.

The result is a room full of saved people. Not people getting saved. Why? Because the people you’re trying to reach aren’t interested in the church that has been created by the people you’re trying to keep. If they were, they’d be coming. But they’re not.

For some reason, right here is where people usually play the discipleship card. They’re trying to disciple the people they’re trying to keep. They accuse you of pitting evangelism against discipleship.

But that isn’t the case. I just believe true disciples should care more about making disciples than freeze framing the church the way it was when they became one. Or wanting twenty-six programs customized to their liking. If the mark of Christian maturity is a bunch of people who want to create a museum glorifying and preserving their personal preferences and then sanctify it by calling it a church, count me out.

Some people say why can’t we have both? You can. Focus on the people you want to reach and you’ll keep the people you want to keep. Let the rest walk. They’ll find a church elsewhere to graze.

The way I see it is they’re just occupying the space of a person who needs to hear the gospel. You’ll fill their seat.
And it will be with the person who needs it the most.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Water Baptisms THIS SUNDAY!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Hagerstown Convoy of Hope TONIGHT & TOMORROW!

Calling all churches and volunteers!

It is now just 1 DAY until Hagerstown Convoy of Hope 2011. Two last minute reminders:

1. Tonight, Friday, September 23, 7:00 p.m. – Volunteer rally – LifeHouse Bethel, 515 E. Wilson Blvd., Hagerstown. There will be a LOVE OFFERING taken to help with Convoy expenses. We are trusting God to help us meet the remaining budget needs with your help!

All volunteers are invited to join us tonight!

2. Tomorrow, Saturday, September 24, 7:00 a.m. – Volunteers should arrive at Hagerstown Fairgrounds Park ready to serve in the power and strength of the Lord!

Invite anyone in need of HELP and/or HOPE!

THIS weekend, there are NO individual churches, just an army of Christians serving one Christ and one Church in a revolution of love!

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Themes for this week of Fasting & Prayer

Themes for fasting and prayer.

Day 1 - Emphasis in prayer (for LHCE team- 
Monday, August 29th)
As we begin this week of fasting and prayer, I want to invite you to first focus your prayer and attention on your personal relationship with God.

Take time today to pray, fast, repent, and examine your heart before God. Allow God to encourage you as well as expose any areas in your heart and life that are not in alignment with His Word.

Ask: how “red hot” is my love for God?

Ask in prayer: “God, what areas of my heart are not right with You? Are there hidden, unconfessed sins? Reveal any attitudes or thoughts that I need to repent of or invite You to change.”

May Psalm 15 reflect our prayer for holiness and Psalm 51 for forgiveness.

As I prepared to take the bold step into both pastoral ministry and marriage (within 2 weeks of each other), I had one overriding concern. While I knew my heart was right, I worried that someday I would change and fail. I had read Psalm 26, where David states,

“I have led a blameless life; I have trusted in the LORD without wavering. 2 Test me, O LORD, and try me, examine my heart and my mind; 3 for your love is ever before me, and I walk continually in your truth.”

While not quite as confident as David, I certainly felt that my heart and conscience were right before God. My fear? That there would be a Psalm 51 in my life, where David repents for the sin of adultery and murder,

“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. 11 Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. 12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.”

How could David have fallen so far, and how could I be confident that I would fall as well? My conclusion and peace are found in a few simple thoughts:

  1. Deal with today. I was worried about what might happen 5, 10, or even 20 years later. Ten years from now is only 365x10 TODAYS. Do right TODAY. Stay pure and right with God TODAY! Shrug off sin and embrace holiness TODAY!
  2. Keep a short list with God- repent daily. Uproot even the slightest sinful thought, attitude, or desire. Go to bed with a clear conscience each day. Pray, confess, and allow God to cleanse our hearts.
  3. Stay Accountable! There are areas of temptation and sin that are bigger that I should wrestle with on my own in the privacy of my personal prayer life. For those areas, it’s important to have an accountable relationship with someone of the same sex who has spiritual maturity and a similar responsibility within ministry. Today would be a great day to initiate an accountability relationship with someone you deeply trust.

Day 2 - Emphasis in prayer: our leadership team and for the development of new leaders, (for LHCE team- 
Tuesday, August 30th)

  • Pray for pastoral and ministry leaders, elders, business management team, staff,
  • Pray for our leaders protection, over their marriages, children, and private life.
  • Pray that God guards them from temptation and sin and keeps them from the strategies of the enemy,
  • Pray for God’s blessing over our leaders- spiritual renewal, financial peace and provision, and strength,
  • Pray for fresh anointing and wisdom- to lead well, be bold, and lead with creativity and imagination.

Day 3- Emphasis in Prayer: Unity of vision and growth in relationships among Lifehouse, 
(for LHCE team- Wednesday, August 31st)

  • as Lifehouse grows and continues to reach new people- especially the unchurched and de-churched, it is critical that people are connected to each other in relationship and that the unique vision of Lifehouse is guarded and preserved,
  • Pray for people to get connected into Life groups as they kick-off on 9/11,
  • Pray for those who are on the fringe or feel marginalized, that they would build friendship and grow in a “family of friends.”
  • Pray that our leadership will effectively cast the vision of Lifehouse and, most importantly, the Cause of Christ to all new leaders and to Lifehouse broadly,
  • Pray for Unity in the Spirit among all that call Lifehouse home. Pray against differing agendas or philosophies of ministry among our team and those being developed into leadership,

Day 4- Emphasis in Prayer: Kingdom of God to be advanced through the salvation/ discipling of the unchurched/ de-churched/ and un-reached. (for LHCE team- Thursday, September 1st)

  • pray for effective, fruitful outreach and evangelism efforts through Lifehouse,
  • pray that our marketing will be fruitful as a tool of evangelism and a means of reaching those that we could otherwise not reach,
  • pray for SOULS to be saved through the impact of Lifehouse and the Church of this region,
  • pray for the hearts of those who are NOT yet serving Christ to be open and receptive to the Gospel,
  • pray for ALL Lifehousers to be BOLD witnesses of Jesus and to be actively sharing/ showing their faith within their community of influence (to be missionaries),

Day 5- Emphasis in Prayer: Fruitfulness in THE Church (for LHCE team- 
Friday, September 2nd)

  • Pray over The Church of Hagerstown- unity, increase in God’s Kingdom over this entire region through the united church,
  • Pray for a decrease in the competitive spirit of pastors through this region and an increase in cooperation and prayer,
  • Pray for Hagerstown Convoy of Hope- volunteers, finances, prayer,
  • Pray for Lifehouse Network- Hedgesville, Shenandoah, Sykesville, Bethel, West AND the other church plants that we support- Restore Church (Jess Bousa), Missio Dei (Jeff Saferite), Experience Life Church (Jeff Miller), Exponential Church (Gil Thurston).
  • Pray for our missionaries through the US and world- for protection and open doors to be Bold witnesses of Jesus and to effectively train leaders and pastors to advance church planting efforts.

Thank you for your prayers and commitment to fasting.
Fired up,
-Patrick Grach

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Call to Fasting & Prayer

Calling all Lifehousers and partners in the work of the Lord!

As we prepare for the Fall season, a full and important season (9/11 tribute and Friend Day, kick-off of life groups, etc), I want to invite you to join the rest of the team for a week of fasting and prayer from Monday, August 29 through Friday, September 2 (or if you're reading this later in the week, consider fasting next week or the following).

We will open this to all ministry partners, but want to keep the focus on preparing and humbling our hearts before God as we move from summer to fall.

What are we fasting? Please consider fasting at least one meal per day (and if that’s not possible, consider doing a “Daniel fast” cutting out meats and sweets and favorite foods. The goal is not to starve ourselves, but to leverage our natural appetites as a reminder to be focused in prayer.

When? Prayer gatherings from 6-7am AND 
6-7pm at Lifehouse- Bethel  EXCEPT Wednesday, August 31st at 6PM, we will be at 19918 Jefferson Blvd (office building).
Thank you all for prioritizing prayer and fasting! Let’s believe that God will work powerfully and miraculously through each of us and through Lifehouse, as we seek His face and His will!

I've also included a BLOGPOST from Mars Hill (Mark Driscoll) from today about prayer. Seemed appropriate!
Fired up,
-Patrick Grach

From the Aug. 28 sermon, “The Parable of the Fig Tree,” preached by Pastor Tim Smith out of Luke 21:29–38:
Jesus is our great example of what it means to, despite pressure, despite everything crushing in on him, to withdraw and to make sure he’s about his Father’s business, the mission that the Father gave him, which he knows was to suffer and to die for sin. As I’ve meditated on this passage, as I’ve seen Jesus’ example, the good news is that Jesus doesn’t just give us an example and tell us to try harder.Through him we have new life, and he draws us to himself.
There are four things that we do to push back against simply being weighed downand settling for the cares of this life and the fleeting pleasures that the world has to offer.
First of all, we see that Jesus withdrew to pray, and he challenges us to do the same thing. He says, “Stay awake at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all the things that are going to take place.”

“In prayer, when we take minutes to withdraw and to be still and to listen, we become remade in the image of Jesus.”

I want to camp here for a few minutes because, Mars Hill, I’m not sure we’re the best praying church. All I can say for sure is I’m not the best praying pastor or Christian.
At Mars Hill we are so zealous and driven to see things get done. We’re so eager, we want so much for the kingdom of God to advance through us, and to be able to be used by him that our strength—I think that’s admirable, but at times, as always can be the case, our strength can become our weakness. And we can start to work in our own strength, which simply leaves us exhausted. And oftentimes, we end up building our own kingdom even in the name of the good King Jesus, but in reality it’s a counterfeit, that’s only thinly disguised, as our own, for our own glory, according to our own plan, according to our own desires.
Prayer doesn’t necessarily solve all of that, but withdrawing to pray is one of the key things. And we see it so consistently in Jesus’ life. Jesus says in John 15:5, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.”
This means that nothing that is worth doing can happen apart from the work of Jesus, in and through us. In prayer, we withdraw from the pressures, we withdraw from the demands, we withdraw from the cares of this life temporarily, and take them to our Heavenly Father who knows and who loves and cares, and to Jesus who said, “Put your burden on me because my burden’s light. Let’s walk together.”

“Prayer a declaration of war on cynicism and unbelief as we step out in faith that God hears and answers.”

I’ve been journaling about prayer, which is kind of funny because that’s what people do who are convicted about prayer but don’t know what to do about it. They read books and they journal about prayer. I’m learning more how to pray, but it’s a slow process. But I’ve been making a list because prayer declares war on so many things we struggle with. And this next point is part of that list.
Prayer is a declaration of war on self-sufficiency, as we become more and more dependent on God.
It’s war on independence because you have to admit that you can’t do it alone.
It’s war on self-importance as you praise something greater.
It’s a declaration of war on anxiety as you trust that God will provide.
It’s a war on the temporary pleasures that the world has to offer around us, as we praise the Giver of all gifts above his gifts as an end in themselves.
It’s a declaration of war on the frantic pace of life that all of us fall into as we take time to be still and to think and to listen and to try to hear from God and what he has for us.
It’s a declaration of war on justification by results as you have to acknowledge that it’s God who works in you.
It’s a declaration of war on cynicism and unbelief as we step out in faith that he hears and answers.
Prayer, as I’ve been convicted, is a declaration of war on this self-centered, short-term, whatever’s-in-front-of-my-face kind of living. Living for my own kingdom. Apart from prayer, I am convinced—I know at least it’s true in my life—I’m convinced that apart from prayer, we live life as if whatever seems most urgent and whatever is right in front of our face is the best and most important thing in all eternity and in all the universe. In prayer, when we take minutes to withdraw and to be still and to listen, we become remade in the image of Jesus. In prayer, our priorities get bent to his, our mission gets realigned to his and we get convicted about where we’re building our own kingdom and we get changed to be part of his.
There is no movement that I have ever read anything about where God moves significantly and many people become Christians [where the people behind] the movement didn’t have a strong foundation before they saw any effects of God moving—they were dedicating themselves to pray.
Friends, if we want to live according to the kingdom of God, and we want to see the kingdom of God advance in us, and we want to see our cities changed, cities like Albuquerque and Portland and Seattle and Orange County, we must be people who pray, who get realigned and remade according to the Father’s mission, according to the kingdom of God, according to the great King, King Jesus.
So we pray.
Stay tuned this week for parts two, three, and four as we go through the respective importances of worship, stewardship, and anticipation. Or, you can jump ahead and read the full sermon transcript here.
Tim Smith is the lead pastor of Mars Hill Portland.

Monday, August 15, 2011

I Had to Get Away BUT It's Great to Be Back

My family and I just returned from vacation and sabbatical, and I must say that it's great to be home. We had a blast!

We enjoyed the beach, lots of family time, campfires, and lots of grilled food. We also listened to nearly the entire Chronicles of Narnia series on CD while we drove 3,700 miles.

But there's nothing like coming home... to your own bed and to your own church family. There's nothing like falling into my own bed, and similarly, it's the best feeling to return to our loving Lifehouse family!

Here's why I had to get away...

  • to get refreshed. When we began planting Lifehouse back in '03, I knew I wouldn't get Sundays off and would rarely get a vacation day. For 3.5 years I didn't miss Sundays, which meant no extended vacation. This was a necessary sacrifice. However, if it goes on for too long, it leads to burn out. I take a few weeks in a row so that I can get refreshed from the rigors of ministry.
  • to get family time. My family sacrifices for ministry along with me, most of that means they give up daddy-time. So, vacation allows for much needed time for me and the girls.
  • to get perspective. We enjoy visiting other churches and ministries while we're away. We get to see what others are doing, experience being renewed by worship and preaching. And it's a great reminder of how it feels to be a guest at church. I take notes on sermons, talk with members and pastors, and try to learn as much as possible during these visits.
  • to get recharged. A few years ago, a mentor challenges me to take a chunk of time off during the summer, speak less, so that I would be a better preacher. This seemed crazy, but I respected his opinion, and now, I can honestly say that I am a better pastor, leader, and communicator because I take time-off. Not preaching every weekend gives me a chance to recharge and recalibrate. Plus, I have a great charge to get back to preaching. Honestly, sitting and listening at Lifehouse yesterday, Pastor Brian did a great job, but I'm chomping at the bit to get back to preaching! Can't wait until this Sunday!
  • to take a sabbatical. What's a sabbatical. Time off, but not just vacation. Time to read, pray, study, learn, and write. Last year and this, I took significant time to read leadership, inspirational, and theological books. I took time to focus in prayer and worship to God. And I had time to write. Hopefully, someday this will translate into a book!
Just a few thoughts on why I take time off and to let you know how excited I am to be back! Can't wait to speak this weekend. Also, pumped about our upcoming launch of life groups, Friend Day, kick-off of "God Exposed" and the launch of Lifehouse- Hedgesville (the New Church on the Block).

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Do you have IT? New Sermon Series

IT.  Some people have it.  Other people want it.  Still others are jealous of it.  They’re not quite sure what it is, but they know they need it.  When you see someone with it, you know.  It is powerful, inspiring, and life-changing.  When someone has it, you want to follow them, even be like them. It gets people to do what they didn’t think was possible and go where they had only dreamed of going.  It will demand more than you’re willing to give, hurt more than you think you can endure so you can become more than what you ever thought you could become.

Of course, you’re asking, “What is it?”

Join me Sundays 8:45, 10:00 or 11:15 AM as we dive into a new series that explains what it is, how to get it, grow in it, and use it for God’s purposes.

Catch a sneak peak of the series by watching the trailer, and we hope to see you this Sunday!

Monday, June 20, 2011

St Patrick Part 3- Living the best life possible

Check out the video trailer for the sermon:

Listen to the message here.

Too often, we see rules and laws as stealing the best in life- telling us what we can't eat and all the fun we can't have. AND in the Name of God...

The Bible seems a like a mountain of laws, rules, civil codes, from hygiene, food care, clothing, home care, medical practices, what foods to eat, not eat, sexual practice and morality. These seem so legalistic!

Jesus actually said the same thing about the religiously leaders who added to God's Law...

Read Matthew 23:25-28 (NIV)

Jesus was challenging these religious leaders that God's Law was not about religious observance but total moral renewal. The Law wasn't about appearances (what can be seen) but the heart.

The goal wasn’t to “cover up” rottenness OR to look religious, but something deeper.

God wants to clean deep parts of our lives. Then, why all the civil law and commands to be holy? How does this apply to my life TODAY?

Read Leviticus 11:43-44 (NIV). The word "consecrate" is to chose an ordinary thing, and set it apart for special purpose.

We are called to Be Set Apart

Read Deuteronomy 26:16, 19, (NIV). God's Law comes from His desire to set apart this nation as His special, chosen people to show all people what is best. His Law is from His love and relationships with Israel.

Be Set Apart for Your Well-Being

Read Deuteronomy 26:17-18, (NIV).

Law of God was for their best- to enjoy, embrace life NOT to prevent them from best. God gave the Law for their well-bring, to instruct them how to live healthy lives and have honorable relationships. This civil law prevented wide spread disease, outbreaks of plagues, sickness.

Observance of law made them different and distinguishable.

SO? God's Law is for OUR well-being. The Bible is not restricting us, but teaching us how to live for our own well-being. We think we know what’s best, but we must be willing to trust that God knows best, then obey Him by FAITH.

When we obey God's Law, we are noticeably different and distinguishable without the devastation and destruction that comes from sin.

Be Set Apart for Your Wholeness

Read Deuteronomy 26:16, (NIV).
The Law is about heart issues not appearance issues. Jesus corrected Pharisees since they missed point.
The Bible is not about behaviors- trying to make people look holy. BUT to lead people to wholeness in their BODY, SOUL, HEART- whole being.

However, the Law cannot make someone whole, anymore than a traffic sign can make someone drive safely. it can only exposes disobedience.

Therefore, the Bible is not about conformity but consecration.
Read Romans 7:19-8:3 (NIV). The Law isn’t bad. It actually is a reflection of God and His character.
BUT the Law does reveal that we cannot live up to it to experience the best wholeness God offers.

Jesus taught that wholeness doesn’t come from being perfect in the law (impossible), but by having a whole heart. Only God can make the heart whole- restore life and offer true wholeness.

Thus, faith in Jesus is an inner-work: see 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV).

When we give God full access and invite Him to clean up our insides rather than just change some of our behavior, an amazing transformation occurs. What we once were gives way to the new life that God intended for us to have. We are cleansed from the inside.

Not only are we cleansed but the inner wholeness begins to spring out of us, just like the filth and vile once did.

We can’t keep anything hidden- whether evil or good. It will come out. When we allow Jesus to transform our hidden shame, the new joy, life, and hope that begins exists will emerge.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day Tribute

Great Song and Video in honor of my Dad and all great, God-fearing dads out there:

I've been very blessed to have amazing men in my life who taught me, model godly values to me, and show me hard work, sacrifice, and how to live a life fully surrendered to God.

BUT NONE have blessed me as much as my own father. I am who I am because of him. This is my personal tribute to Pa (as we grew up calling my dad).

There is no one I know who is more selfless and hardworking. He willing did without so that we could eat, have warm clothes, and enjoy the little things in life. He did it all without one word of complaint. He went without the warmest coat in winter even though he'd work out in the cold, so we could have coats. He traveled a ridiculously long commute- either from Oregon to NY then from the suburbs to NYC- to make sure he was putting food on the table for us 4 boys.

There are moments growing up with my Dad that are priceless and left an indelible impression on my life:

  • watching my Dad pray- whether he privately withdrew to pray at home or knelt at the altar at church, I know my Dad loved and loves God. He fears God more than man and cares more about what God thinks than what anyone else thinks. He has always been willing to express his love for God through humility and worship. He isn't the loudest or most visible in expression, but certainly the most consistent. There has never been any doubt that my dad is completely sold-out to God.
  • I can only remember about 3 times when my dad yelled when I was growing up, and one of them was at me. I was in the formative 15-16 year-old stage, when boys think they're men. I had ignored him several times, and he finally yelled at me, picked me up off the ground and let me know he was still much stronger than I was. Then, he teared up and apologized. I felt horrible. I had so exasperated my dad that I had driven him to tears, and yet when he was completely justified in thrashing me soundly, he gently let me know that he was sorry for his rough treatment but expressed his disappointment at my disobedience. Oh, that I would someday be that kind of father.
  • my dad is faithful, as faithful as anyone I know. When he gives his word he'll keep it no matter what. He's been faithful in marriage to my mom for nearly 42 years. He has been a faithful employee, friend, father, and Christ-follower. That's a pretty good track record!
And the results? Of his 4 sons- none of us are star athletes, multi-millionaires, or in political office. BUT each of us without exception is a faithful husband, loving father (my parents have 11 grandkids), hardworking, and deeply committed to following Jesus and serving His Church. My dad may be the richest man I know. That's legacy!

I admire, love, respect, and look up to my father. May I, and the fathers I influence, grow to be something like my dad. I know that he would say he's imperfect, but he's truly following Jesus, and that's the best example anyone man can ask for.

What do you admire about your father? What moments with your father changed you?

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Exciting Volunteer Opportunity THIS Saturday

Convoy of Hope is coming to Frederick, MD. We (local churches) have partnered to bring Convoy to Hagerstown for going on 4 years now. Our first coordinator, Matt Thompson, is now on staff at a church in Frederick and has coordinated to bring Convoy to their city.

Please check out their Facebook page, and check out their website. Exciting things are coming to Frederick this weekend- we will be providing many services and opportunities for the community, and we NEED volunteers.

If you would like to volunteer, clear your schedule for Saturday from 6am until 3pm.

We will be gathering at Bethel (515 E Wilson Blvd, Hagerstown, MD) and carpooling or caravanning down from the church parking lot. We will be leaving the lot at 6:00 pm on Friday (for Volunteer Rally) and 6:00 am on Saturday. We will leave promptly!

On Saturday, you can volunteer in one of many areas- kids' fun area, food services, grocery hand-out, security, hospitality... For more info, go to their website.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Here's the latest on St. Patrick

YOU get to VOTE on what happens to St. Patrick...

Vote on what should happen to St. Patrick at the end of Season 3: Law & Order at Lifehouse FB page (I suggest writing in that "he" should be arrested by real police for impersonating a police detective).

Check out part 2 video and message and discover how the Law of God is actually FOR our justice. We don't define right and wrong, or just throw it out the window. God establishes right and wrong.

Listen to the message here.

SHARE these links and resources!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Testosterone Sunday

Here's the deal guys: Besides the Superbowl, there's ONE SUNDAY out of the year when it's finally ALL ABOUT THE MEN.  That Sunday is called FATHER'S DAY.  Or a Lifehouse, we prefer to call it...


What does that mean for the men?

1.) Sport your favorite team apparel.  Hats, jerseys- you name it.

2.) Come hungry.  Cafe is preparing breakfast fit for a MAN.

3.) Be ready to compete.  We'll be having 3 contests to test the fella's STRENGTH OF BODY, STRENGTH OF APPETITE, and STRENGTH OF CHARACTER.  Winners will choose from gift cards to places like Dicks Sporting Goods, Home Depot or Best Buy.

4. ) Come with your family.  This is the best time show the kids what it means to be a man.

Testosterone're gonna wanna be there.

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Please PRAY

Too often we turn to prayer as a last resort, kinda the "Hail Mary Pass" in moments of crisis.

But prayer is our primary source of strength, help, hope, power, and protection. Prayer builds and maintains our relationship with God at a vibrant level. Prayer advances God's purposes and builds His Church.

I am specifically asking you to take time from now through Sunday to PRAY for LIFEHOUSE CHURCH meeting at Leitersburg Cinemas! We need your intercession and focus in deep, heartfelt, faith-filled prayer.

The enemy of the Church, Satan, has always devised strategies to destroy or at least limit the impact of the Church. We are in a moment where we can clearly see the strategies of the enemy at work to hinder and distract Lifehouse from our mission and the Cause of Christ. Our antidote? PRAYER.

How to pray?

Please pray for me, our pastoral leadership team, for our elders and staff- for encouragment, wisdom, peace, and that we are not distracted from the great Cause of sharing and showing God's love.

Pray for protection over the gathering of and unity of Lifehouse. We are presently facing some challenges that can certainly be both annoying and distracting. God will protect His Church and His people.

Pray for God's purposes to prevail. We know that Lifehouse's story is simply a part of God's story. May His plans (not our desires) and Cause be accomplished.

I'm reposting a note that I think passionately communicates how I feel in this moment. Listen to how a missionary in the jungles of New Guinea explained his situation in a letter to John Yates:

Man, it's great to be in the thick of the fight, to draw the old Devil's heaviest guns, to have him at you with depression and discouragement, slander, disease! He doesn't waste time. He hits good and hard when a fellow is hitting him.

You can always measure the effectiveness of your work, by how hard Satan hits back. When you're on your back with fever and at your last ounce of strength, when some of your converts backslide, when you learn that your most promising inquirers are only fooling, when your mail gets held up and some don't bother to answer your letters, is that the time to bail out?

"No Sir! That's the time to pull out the stops and shout 'Hallelujah'! Satan’s really getting it and he’s launching an all out attack. And all of heaven is watching and asking: 'Will he stick it out?'

And they see who is with us…and they see around us the unlimited reserves, the boundless resources, and they see the impossibility of failure with God on our side…how sad the angels must be when we run away from hard times. Glory to God! We're not going to run away. We're going to stand."

Listen to how Paul expresses all of this in 2 Corinthians 6:4-10.

Thank you for joining us in prayer!

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Check it out- resources for part 1 of Law & Order: St Patrick Unit

Watch the trailer for the opening message in the series, "Law & Order: St Patrick Unit"

Listen to the message here.

Discover the principles behind the Law of God laid out in detail in Exodus and Deuteronomy. Come out THIS Sunday, June 12th to discover the 2nd principle that we'll be examining in these books.

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Enjoy the journey

As Americans, as leaders- we're results-oriented. I'm guilty. Too often, I allow my emotions, attitude, and happiness to rise and fall based on the results that I get or see. I want instant results in church, in other people's lives, in ministry, in preaching, and even in myself.

But that's not how we were designed nor how ministry life works. I (and we) need to learn to enjoy the journey. It's not about arriving but embracing each moment. Wise elders have spoken these words into many parents, and Laura and I have taken it to heart,

"Don't wish away the moments when you're kids are young, even if it's difficult and you're tired."

"Don't complain about the fingerprints on the windows- someday they won't be there and you'll wish they were."

Similar sentiments can be share about ministry:

Enjoy the journey- the hardships, the difficulties, the moments without. They make us appreciate the moments of victory and laughter and enjoyment.

Enjoy the climb up, the view is more satisfying and meaningful if it costs you.

In pastoring and serving people:

Enjoy conversations, love people, embrace moments of prayer and meaningful leadership development. Don't wait for them to arrive at a destination, it's about the journey.

Don't live to arrive at a desired destination, trust me there are no summits.

Every summit just reveals the next. So, if you're living to reach a point in life or ministry, and don't enjoy the journey, you'll waste precious moments and loose valuable memories.

God has given you TODAY. Embrace it. Enjoy the journey- the views, every person, each challenge, every obstacle, valley, and mountaintop.

Monday, June 06, 2011

My early morning prayer

Sometimes it best for me to use psalms or songs as my personal prayer. Here was my prayer this morning, "Surrender" by Lincoln Brewster:

I'm giving You my heart/ All that is within
I lay it all down/ For the sake of You my King
I'm giving You my dreams/ Laying down my rights
I'm giving up my pride/ For the promise of new life

And I Surrender/ All to You, all to You

I'm singing You this song/ I'm waiting at the Cross
All the world holds dear/ I count it all as loss
For the sake of knowing You/ For the glory of Your name
To know the lasting joy/ Even sharing in Your pain

Friday, June 03, 2011

Newest ST PATRICK Series- Law & Order

Rules can seem so… restrictive, so… prudish.  Morals and regulations seem to limit all of our fun and freedom.  What’s more, Christianity seems to be the greatest offender of that freedom.  Many people view the Bible as nothing more than a list of do’s and don’ts.  In their estimate, it’s filled with rules designed to restrict and rob us of pleasure.  Could their assumptions be true?

Join Pastor Patrick Sundays 8:45, 10:00 or 11:15 AM as he dives into "LAW & ORDER: St. Patrick Unit," a new series that explains that God's laws were not meant to be burdensome but to be a blessing.  God's laws reveal his heart and his character, so as we turn our focus from the law to the Lawgiver, we discover the key to a free and fulfilled life!

Catch a sneak peak of the series by watching the trailer, and we hope to see you this Sunday!

How NOT to INVITE friends to Church

Friend Day is THIS Sunday! Follow these simple steps to avoid an awkward invitation situation...

DON'T FORGET- Invite friends, family, co-workers, classmates, fellow-graduates- pretty much ANYONE you know who does NOT currently go to church! See you and then on Sunday for Friend Day and the Kick-off of our latest sermon series. I'll post that next!

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Great Moments in Life

This past Sunday, May 29th, we got a chance to CELEBRATE! First and foremost, it was Laura and I's 12th wedding Anniversary! So grateful to have such a loving, supportive, and amazing wife and helpmate. It's been an incredible 12 years. Excited for many more ahead.

Next, it was Memorial Day weekend, so we took an opportunity to remember and thank those who have honorably served the USA. Thank you for offering your lives in sacrificial service to protect our freedom! We owe you a debt of gratitude.

Finally, I got the privilege of blessing and sending my "spiritual father". We had Terry and Jo Ann Broadwater at Lifehouse for all 3 services. Why? Terry just accepted the lead pastor role at Grace Community Church in Centennial, CO. So, I wanted to return to him a small portion of what he gave me as we started planting Lifehouse nearly 8 years ago.

Here's what Terry gave me when he invited me to come to Hagerstown to plant a new church:
  • Gave me a chance- I didn't need someone to hold my hand and do all the work for me, but just a chance, a God-ordained, significant opportunity to matter for eternity,
  • Believed in me- at key moments when I felt very discouraged and wanted to give up, Terry said to me, "I believe in, and in this moment, I believe in you more than you believe in yourself."
  • He saw God's purposes in my life- he would continue to share with me, "I see you pastoring a great church that will grow significantly to impact this entire Hagerstown-region for God's Kingdom."
  • Invested in me both personally and in my destiny- Terry spent time with me, every Wednesday morning for 5 years alone, and another 2 years with the other church planters. He took me on missions trips, to conferences, and invited me to speak in leadership settings. He also rallied Bethel to start by investing in us financially on the front end, and offer office space, and copiers, and borrowed rooms for meetings, etc. Words are nice, but actions make a difference.
  • Stayed the course with me- Terry endured through times of tension, hardship, and discouragement.
  • Spoke life into me- Terry took time to pray over me and for me. At times, he shared prophetic words that he believed he had received from God for me. This was like breath in my lungs.
  • Set a great example- Terry should me what a pastor- warrior was like. I appreciate his example and passion to follow God by faith. He spoke my language and understand my passion.
On Sunday, I got the privilege of returning a little bit of that!! We invited Terry and Jo Ann up so we could pray over, bless, and SEND them out from Lifehouse. It was great to have Pastor Curt from Lifehouse- Bethel at our 1st service, to join in praying over them.

We challenged Terry with a verse that he has spoken over us many times- Philippians 3:13-14!

Terry, we love you and will miss having you so close. Thanks for the investment of your life. I'm confident that there are many young people who need these same investments in CO.

Lifehouse is full of spiritual "grandchildren" of Terry, and Lifehouse- Hedgesville could be considered his "grand-church". It's a honor to honor him! The Bible says to give honor to whom honor is due!

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Should the US President Golf on Memorial Day? A lesson in leadership

After laying a wreath at Arlington Cemetery, President Obama headed out to Ft. Belviore to play the 70th round of golf during his presidency (28-months).

Now, I try my best to avoid writing or speaking about partisan politics, but I feel the need to comment about LEADERSHIP. There is a profound leadership lesson in the decision of the POTUS to play golf on Memorial Day.

While nearly every other American citizen can take Memorial Day off to rest, relax, BBQ, go to the beach, and even golf, the President CANNOT! Neither can the Generals, Commanders, or any US military officer presently engaged in leading troops in the wars/ battles in Afghanistan, Iraq, or now, in Syria. Why?

1. Let me borrow a quote from Leadership by Rudy Giuliani, Weddings Optional, Funerals Mandatory! Leaders are less needed in good times and also least remembered. However, when people are hurting and at their time of greatest need, we will impact their life and make a friend for a lifetime.

  • The greatest strength you have is meeting the needs of others.
  • Their needs are less obvious at parties and during the good times, and magnified during crisis, loss, and hurt.
  • Make yourself most available during times of great need.
2. Leaders Lead By Example! In other words, they model the behavior they want repeated by those most sacrificially following them.
  • President Obama has the least rapport with and support from those in the military according to a recent poll. Why? He's not leading by example. He's critical of their sacrifice and war efforts, and is golfing while their offering their lives in sacrificial service to our nation and their families are home desperately waiting for their return.
  • Leaders live in a fishbowl- if you don't like it, don't lead. When a person runs for president, they understand that they will be scrutinized and every detail of their life will be criticized and debated. If you can't handle the heat, get out. That's the life of a leader and the price of influence.
  • Leaders have a responsibility to be in private what they appear to be in public. Those who follow hate hypocrisy and dishonestly.
  • Leaders can only lead where they are willing to go. Duh! Think about it, it's not words but actions! Leaders, who call for great sacrifice must be willing to offer great sacrifice. The President is the Commander-in-Chief of the US Armed Forces. To ask brave men and women to offer their lives in sacrificial service, and then be unwilling to skip golfing on Memorial Day- this does NOT pass the sniff test. If our soldiers followed his example, there would have been a lot of duffing out of sand traps all over the Middle East.
This is not intended to be critical of our President but a lesson in leadership- one I learned the hard way. I will always be cautious to lead by example and never undermine through my personal life the sacrifice I call others to offer.

How much more passionate, committed, and sacrificial should ministry leaders be for the greatest Cause in all of history- the Cause of Christ! Souls are at stake. Eternity hangs in the balance. What wouldn't we be willing to give or sacrifice?

Friday, May 27, 2011

How Not to Invite Your Friends

Check out a latest teaching video to help you develop the skills to invite your friends to Lifehouse:

Don't forget- NEXT SUNDAY, June 5th is Friend Day! So, take your newly gotten skills, and enjoy inviting your friends, co-workers, neighbors, classmates- pretty much anyone you know who does NOT currently go to church.

We look forward to seeing YOU and your friends on June 5th!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Is May 21, 2011 Judgment Day?

Several news stories have made these billboards and car wraps mainstream. Harold Camping and his Family Radio are declaring all around the world that THIS Saturday, May 21st, is Judgment Day.

So, are these predictions accurate and biblical? And how should people respond to this prediction?

Is this prediction accurate? NO. As Melody says, "Don't go Camping with Harold!"

But to answer the question, let's take a moment to break down why.

First, will there be a Judgment Day?
The Bible promises that there will be a Day of Judgment, and day when God will judge the wicked and the righteous. This is foretold in the Old Testament, and often called the Day of the Lord or the Day of Wrath (Joel 2:31; Ezekiel 13:5; Isaiah 2:12). Jesus was very clear about the coming judgment of God against sin and evil (Matthew 24-25), and then the apostles reinforced this teaching through their preaching and writing (Acts 10:42; 17:31; Romans 2:5-16; 14:10; 1 Corinthians 4:5; 2 Corinthians 5:10; 2 Timothy 4:1; 2 Thessalonians 1:5; James 5:7).

A Day of God's Judgment on both the righteous and the wicked is restated in the Apostle's Creed, "He will come again to judge the living and the dead."

What about the "rapture"?
This is a little more complicated, since the word never appears in the Bible, but is taken from the Latin word translated from the Greek in 1 Thessalonians 4:15- 17 where Paul states,
"According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever." (italics and underline added for emphasis)

Certainly, there is clear biblical evidence that believers of Jesus will be taken up to be with Jesus at some point in time, and that there will be a separation between Jesus-followers and the unrepentant. This separation will be the beginning of judgment on both the wicked and the righteous.

So What? There will be a point in time when God judges all mankind, and Christians are hopeful and expectant of a moment when they will be raptured to meet Jesus and receive their eternal reward.

At some point, time as we know it, will cease and the end will come.

Will it be May 21, 2011 at 6pm PST?
Probably NOT! I say probably, simply for the same reason why Harold Camping is wrong, because we do NOT know! If I claimed to know for certain that Jesus was NOT coming back on that date, I would be in as much error as Camping is for claiming that Jesus will return at that point.

The Bible is clear about trying to predict the Day of Judgment or the Rapture. Jesus clearly stated,
"He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority."
Acts 1:7.

“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son,[a] but only the Father." Matthew 24:36. Jesus was teaching about the end of times, and made it clear to his listeners and followers that they should not speculate on dates and times.

Harold Camping is just making this stuff up? Okay, I've got to be a little brutal here. If you read his stuff, then compare it with even the most basic Bible study and apply an ounce of logic, it's obvious to all that his calculations and prophesies are absurd. Better writers and research than me have spent considerable time laying out the error of his ways, so google and you'll find plenty who debunk his calculations for a variety of reasons (here are a few links: COG site, overview of Camping, and here). But here are a few thoughts specifically regarding Camping and his "research":
  • he's been wrong before and won't admit it (prophesied the same thing in 1994), and he is among a shameful group who have done so and obviously been wrong,
  • he believes that he's the ONLY one who has received this revelation- that's code for "cult". When your "truth" or "prophesy" requires special revelation in order to re-interprete what the Bible and what is blatantly apparent to others, you're wrong.
  • he and his followers claim to be the only "true believers" and that this understanding has been given to them. The Bible makes it clear that true believers are those who put their faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, through Jesus' death and resurrection on our behalf. That's all that's required! You don't have to believe in nonsensical calculations to be a believer, in fact that might very well illustrate a lack of true understanding and faith in God. See it for yourself in his book (full text available), writings, and commercials.
  • his calculations and mathematics are off. Camping states in his writings that he has "learned" the true dates of the creation, flood, etc. Basically, what that means is that he made them up, because they fit conveniently into his projections. His dating is faulty and significantly off.
  • his calculations are based on nonsensical "numerology". Camping associates numbers with meaning, then uses those numbers with his associated meanings to create equations to prove the conclusions that he has drawn. Example: 1978 = 2 x 23 x 43; 2 symbolizes those who are to bring the Gospel; 23 symbolizes wrath; 43 symbolizes judgment. He made these meanings up. Some numbers in the Bible do seem to have significant meaning and are consistently see as a pattern to reinforce that meaning (7 = completeness; 40 = suffering). However, these are never used to generate prophesies or predictions, and are only helpful for illustrative purposes. Additionally, Camping randomly takes numbers that he's added meaning to, then multiplies them, squares them, and in many other ways manipulates them to come up with a still inaccurate date of 5/21/2011.
How should Jesus-followers respond to this prediction?
"But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. 2 Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. 3 In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping."
  • Live urgently and without shame, remembering that the "day is short" and judgment is at hand, since life is only a "handbreadth" and a "vapor." Second Peter 3 gives clear instruction on what to do in these moments: beware of false prophets, remember God's promises and judgments, urgent share God's message.
  • Share the message of salvation of Christ with everyone without being ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God to salvation for all who believe. In fact, conversations about judgment and end-times may give you an opportunity to share Jesus with people (however, don't try to scare them into believing)
  • Point people to JESUS- He is TRUTH!
How should everyone else respond to this prediction?

  • Obviously, Campings predictions give lots of fodder to atheists and naysayers who want to slam Christianity and disregard their faith and faithfulness. These are like black-eye moments on the church and Jesus-followers across the globe. However, faithful Christians should rest in God's faithfulness and not be intimidated by those who mock or slander the true Church because of some false prophet. 
  • BEWARE- recognize that the clock will stop one day, time will end, and there will NOT be a second chance. While it probably won't be TOMORROW, it will be A tomorrow! Jesus said that he would return like a "thief in the night", when people are not ready or expecting Him.
  • So, be ready and expecting Jesus' return. If you are not ready, simply put your faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, confess that you are a sinner, and received His forgiveness and salvation. 
  • For more info on becoming a Jesus-follower, check out this incredible website:
Hope you found this meaningful and fair from a Christian and biblical perspective.