Thursday, January 29, 2009

How to discover and live your destiny

I found a profound principle while reading Exodus that reveals how you can discover your purpose and live your destiny (and it's quicker than reading Purpose Driven Life).

I have given skill to all the craftsmen to make everything I have commanded you: the Tent of Meeting, the ark of the Testimony with the atonement cover on it, and all the other furnishings of the tent... Exodus 31:6-7

Do you see it? What an amazing principle! Allow me to explain:
  • First, we discover what we are uniquely gifted by God to do and be- these are skills, talents, and abilities. In this case they were skilled craftsmen.
  • Secondly, we must recognize how these skills/ talents fit into God's perfect design for building His "temple", i.e. the Church. See, in this passage, God already laid out a design for the tabernacle, and the craftsmen need to follow precisely what God had planned.
  • Third, be and do it!
Some spend too much time trying to discern the "will" of God for their life, and they haven't bothered to look at their own hands and ask, "what can I uniquely contribute? what do I have to offer?"

Others are so busy using their gifts and talents, and they have any found success in the process. But they haven't bothered to ask God, "What's your design for my life and talents?"

Finally, some people know their gifts and even how God wants to use them, they're just limited by fear, laziness, worry, busyness, or something- so they never actually "just do it!"

How has God both uniquely gifted you and how does that fit into God's perfect design for the church?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What makes you distinct?

Conformity is certainly not a virtue in our generation. It's even worse if it's implying that the Church and Jesus-followers are no different the rest of the world.

So, what's our mark of distinction? What distinguishes a Jesus-follower from non-followers? If there's no distinction, then there's no reason to follow Jesus, there's no value in the Church.

But throughout sacred history, God has desired to make a distinction between those who follow Him and those who don't. This stood out to me as I was reading Exodus. First, regarding the plagues against Egypt. There was a distinct safety over the Hebrews and God's prosperity and blessing. God said,

"I will make a clear distinction between my people and your people." 8:23 OR "Then you will know that the Lord makes a distinction between Egypt and Israel." 11:7

Moses recognized that God's presence with Israel is what made them distinct,

"Then Moses said to him, “If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?” 33:15-16

The Prophet Malachi wrote that the distinction of God-followers would be God's redemption, safety, even financial protection from ruin,

"I will spare them, just as in compassion a man spares his son who serves him. And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not." 3:17-18

We are called to bear marks of distinction. We should not look and act so much like the world and the rest of our culture that no one can tell the difference.

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Romans 12:2

God wants to show off through our lives. Our obedience is the precondition to God's manifestation in our lives. He wants to brag through us, but we must first be fully submitted to His design. Then, people who are watching will quickly recognize that what distinguishes us is God's blessing.

What makes you distinct? How is God bragging through your life? What's standing in the way of God's blessing on your life?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Growing Rich in Love

Today's challenge in our THRIVE devotional is to use our words to build people up rather than tear them down. So, let me take it one step further. When we are mean, unkind, or hit-below-the-belt, we withdraw from our relational bank account. Like this:

Well, I thought it was funny.

When we sow kindness, gentleness, and love into a relationship, it's like putting a deposit into the bank. We must make more deposits than withdrawals if our relationships are to be healthy and functional.

Are you adding to or detracting from the relational bank accounts of your friends and family?

Monday, January 19, 2009

Are you STILL thriving?

Here's our video invitation and challenge to THRIVE?

We're on day 8, and I want to encourage all Lifehousers that you'll thrive to the extent that you put effort and energy into growing deep roots and bearing much fruit.

May God bless you and shine His favor on you as you OBEY Him!

I know what I want to be when I grow up!

Just saw this awesome video of what I want to be when I grow up. I should probably get some training first, and start with some preliminary test runs. Definitely think this should be part of our next family vacation as well! I think Laura would love it too.

Friday, January 16, 2009

A few of the things I'm thankful for!

The daily challenge for day 3 in THRIVE 09 was to write out 50 things that I am personally thankful for. Here are a few from my list.

When we take the time to notice God's wonders and the work of His hands, this brings God pleasure and makes Him smile.
  1. God's forgiveness- can't believe He keeps forgiving me and giving me a fresh start (1 John 1:9).
  2. His salvation- the cross is absurd to me, but it's also my hope and redemption (Romans 5:8)
  3. Laura- 2nd best decision I ever made. Pretty sure I'm lower on her list, but I got the better end of the deal (Proverbs 31:10-12)
  4. 3 healthy daughters- my girls are the joy of my life and my biggest fans (Psalm 127:3)
  5. gluon- it's the stuff that holds quarks together (those are sub-atomic particles with the same charge, that should repel each other, but instead stick). I think God is the gluon (Colossians 1:16-17)
  6. Steel-belted radial- that's the part of the tire that didn't pop while we drove about 150 miles toward NY on a tire missing most of its tread without blowing out.
  7. Hugs- grateful for the love God fills my daughters with toward me. A hug can keep me going.
  8. Eskimo kisses- my daughters are so innocent and pure, and Eskimo kisses are funny.
  9. Laughter- I'm grateful that God has a sense of humor (Psalm 126:2).
  10. Sunsets- amazed by God's majesty (Psalm 19:1).
  11. A Paycheck- got one yesterday, and thankful that in difficult times I still have a career and people are still generous
  12. Guttenburg- amazed how many books are available, especially the accessibility of the Bible (Isaiah 40:7-8).
  13. Gravity- pretty happy that we haven't gotten thrown off the earth's surface, since we are moving at about 1,040 mph.
  14. God's faithfulness-
  15. New mornings, fresh starts-
  16. REM-cycles- it's amazing that our bodies need to sleep, but can heal themselves while we do it (Psalm 127:2)
  17. Dinner tonight- awed by the lavish provision of God everyday (Psalm 37:25).
  18. My DELL- so say it creates work, but I remember life before the PC. So grateful for its invention.
  19. Electricity- during the winter I have heat, and during the summer A/C. Thanks to the workers who keep the lights on.
  20. My car- it's still running a year after "the Give Project". God has been faithful!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Keys to Great "Success" in Ministry

What are the simple biblical keys to effectiveness/ success in the ministry?

I can look with certainty at a leader and say, "You will live and fulfill God's great plans for your life, so long as you..." And that's where this blog comes in.

Jesus explained the keys to "thrive" or "succeed" in ministry by telling the story of three servants entrusted with the wealth of their master. Upon returning to his servants, the master replied to the two that had doubled his wealth,

"Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!" (Matthew 25:23, NIV).

Did you catch it? It's right there, the secret to success in ministry and life.

BE GOOD. Our character and right living before God are necessary to produce effectiveness and long-term fruit. Without it, all that we've invested in and built won't last. Without it, rather than bringing glory to God, our efforts will attempt to bring us glory and are destined to fail. But be good, and God will honor our integrity, pure hearts, and right motives with fruitfulness and greater responsibility.

BE FAITHFUL. Be good for a long time. Most will do the right thing if it gets them quick results and makes them feel "successful". But Jesus has called us to be faithful, even when the fruit is limited or even unseen. To be faithful, keep doing what you know is right regardless of what is happening around you. Faithfulness is never dependent on what others are doing but on your commitment to fulfill your responsibilities.

That's it! Be good and faithful. Two keys to become "successful" in God's eyes (the only audience that matters).

How is God calling you to be GOOD? To be FAITHFUL?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Are you thriving?

Small, but not insignificant steps. That's how great achievements are accomplished, great growth happens, and great battles won. Please NEVER devalue or underestimate the worth of small, but right steps in a God-direction.

Are we willing to do the "little things" necessary and sow the seeds necessary to grow deep and sustaining life-growth? Discipleship is a process. It's everyday, "little" acts of obedience, surrender, prayer, Bible-reading, faith-sharing, Scripture-memorizing, sin-abandoning, life-purging behaviors.

Want to challenge EVERYONE at Lifehouse to join us in our THRIVE CAMPAIGN! If you haven't gotten a devotional, let us know or pick one up on Sunday.

What "little" thing is God asking you to do today?

Monday, January 12, 2009

How can I THRIVE in '09?

"Thirty-One Days of Compassion" has begun!

At Lifehouse, instead of the 21 Days of Fasting-and-Prayer that we've done for several years, I really felt challenged back in October to lead into 2009 differently. Let's do an Isaiah 58 fast.

Don't know what that is? We're leading the charge to not just fast food, but to fast our selfishness and personal agendas, by laying aside our needs and serving God and others. Hence, 31 Days of Compassion. I wrote a devotional (that looks great thanks to Corey and Melody), and each day we provide a brief devotion and a personal challenge.

Since we started yesterday at Lifehouse, here was what we've covered so far:
BIG ASK: Commit to READING THE BIBLE for 15 min each day.
Today's challenge: Spend 15 min in prayer.

I'll be giving more regular updates and testimonies that we receive.

If you're a pastor or church leader, and you're interested in doing a "THRIVE CAMPAIGN" just let us know, we'd love to share our materials, sermons, devotionals, and "how-to" manual with you.

It's okay to say, "Sorry, I'm Busy"

Imagine your meeting with the President and your cell rings. Do you answer?

Depends on who's calling, right? Here's my thought, if the President is making time for you, there's probably no one who has your cell number that should trump that meeting.

Need a more biblical example? In 586 BC, the city of Jerusalem was destroyed- walls broken down, buildings destroyed, and the Jews were exiled. Finally in 444 BC, Nehemiah led a group back to Jerusalem to help those who had already returned to rebuild the city walls and restore the strength, sovereignty, and safety of the people.

While Nehemiah was leading the people to rebuild the walls, they faced constant and strong opposition from opposing nations.

Here's a key moment in Nehemiah's leadership found in Nehemiah 6:2-4:

Sanballat and Geshem sent me this message: “Come, Nehemiah, let’s meet together in Kephirim on the plain of Ono.” But they were planning to harm me. So I sent messengers to them with this answer: “I am doing a great work, and I can’t come down. I don’t want the work to stop while I leave to meet you.” Sanballat and Geshem sent the same message to me four times, and each time I sent back the same answer. (New Century Version)

What's the point? There are times in life, when what you are doing is more important than what other people think you should be doing or are asking you to do. It's okay to say, "Sorry, I'm busy!"

Nehemiah recognized that he was carrying out a "magnum opus" (Latin for "the great work") and nothing was more important than that- no meeting, accusation, busywork, other project, attitude or frustration- nothing took precedent with the great work he was about.

If you are in a "great work" then be careful not to get sucked into petty arguments, avoid unnecessary clutter in life, cut out superfluous time-wasters, and keep focused!

Friday, January 09, 2009

I'm Embarrassed

My oldest daughter, Rebecca, embarrassed (and inspired) me yesterday.

No, it's not what you're thinking. She didn't say something in public that made me blush.

We got her a "Princess" Bible for Christmas, and she started reading it this week. Day one, she read first 3 chapters of Genesis. So day two, I challenged her that we'd read through the Bible together this year. Her response,

"The whole year...?" As if to say, "Why would it take me that long?"

So, I sat down on her bed to catch up to where she was in Genesis and asked what chapter she was up to, and her response both embarrassed and inspired me.

"Chapter 7. I snuck upstairs today to read more."

Where did I lose that passion and intensity for reading the Bible with hunger? I want to be like her.

So, each night, we're sitting on her bed together reading the Bible, and our goal is to finish it well before the year is out. We're on pace in week one to finish by September 17th. We will see!

What goals are you setting for this year?

Are you willing to join Lifehouse in our THRIVE CAMPAIGN (more info coming soon)?

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Heaven Rules

I was listening to a podcast from Andy Stanley, and thought it was worth mentioning. He was teaching about leadership, and challenged the audience with these thoughts:
  • leadership is stewardship- it is given by God and must be accounted for how it was used
  • leadership is temporary- those in authority and leadership will one day no longer be
He told the story of King Nebuchadnezzar's dream (Daniel 4) and Daniel's interpretation. The point of the dream was to reveal to the king that God was in charge, and that God was showing the king that He was the true King.

His dream was a foretelling of the kings future humiliation so that he would "come to know that Heaven rules."

I love that. May we all never forget that heaven rules. In another translation, it says "...never forget that God rules."

The best leaders in authority are those who are under authority. They understand that their leadership was given to them by God and that God rules.

May we never forget our place and how put us in that place. If He can put us in leadership, He can also remove us.

How do you keep your leadership in perspective?

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Good Times

We're enjoying the holiday season immensely!

Got a HUGE surprise for Christmas when my brothers came from all over the globe to be together for Christmas. Let's just say that 10 adults, 9 kids (between 7-10 months) is all kinds of fun sleeping under the same roof for a week! This may be the best gift I've ever gotten for Christmas.

I found it hard the entire time to tell personal stories or even talk because, I wanted to listen and take in everything my brothers, sisters-in-law, and niece, nephews, and however else was there, was saying. How do you absorb years worth of life in such a short amount of time. Plus, knowing that we won't see some of them for another 5 years makes it even more difficult- it's like a camel trying to drink enough water to last 5 years.

Here are a few pictures: